RideShare is a ride-sharing app that connects people heading to the same destination, allowing them to share rides and save money, reduce traffic, and protect the environment.
- Profile management: Allow users to view and edit their personal information, and preferences.
- Flexible Rides: Users can choose to be drivers, passengers, or both, offering flexibility and ride options.
- Destination-based matching: Users specify their starting point and final destination, and the app finds potential carpool matches.
- Pre-booking option: Enable users to pre-book rides for future dates and times for better planning.
- Instant Booking: An instant booking feature that allows users to quickly find and join available carpools without waiting for approval.
- In-App communication: Allow riders to send individual messages to the ride creator, clarifying details about the ride, pick-up point, or any other concerns.
- Ride Ratings and Reviews: A system for users to rate and review their ride-sharing experience, promoting accountability and trust within the community.
This project was created using the following technologies.
- React js - JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces specifically for single-page applications
- React Hooks - For managing and centralizing application state
- Context Api - For state management
- react-router-dom - To handle routing
- Axios - For making Api calls
- Shadcn - For Design components
- Tailwind Css - For styling
- Lucide icons - For adding icons to the react apps.
- Node js -A runtime environment to help build fast server applications using JS
- Express js -The server for handling and routing HTTP requests
- Mongoose - For modeling and mapping MongoDB data to JavaScript
- jsonwebtoken - For authentication
- Bcryptjs - For data encryption
- Dotenv - Zero Dependency module that loads environment variables
- cors - Provides a Connect/Express middleware
- multer - Node.js middleware for uploading files
- Cloudinary - For uploading images
- MongoDB - Free cloud service to store MongoDB collections.