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- repository-group: Multiple Journals
- name: Zenodo
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010468
url: https://zenodo.org/
notes: "Zenodo builds and operates a simple and innovative service that enables researchers, scientists, EU projects and institutions to share and showcase multidisciplinary research results (data and publications) that are not part of the existing institutional or subject-based repositories of the research communities. ZENODO enables researchers, scientists, EU projects and institutions to: easily share the long tail of small research results in a wide variety of formats including text, spreadsheets, audio, video, and images across all fields of science. display their research results and get credited by making the research results citable and integrate them into existing reporting lines to funding agencies like the European Commission. easily access and reuse shared research results. Link(s): <a href='https://guides.github.com/activities/citable-code/'>GitHub-Zenodo Integration (Make your code citable)</a>"
category: Earth and Environmental Data
journal-list: JGR Earth Surface, JAMES, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Earth and Space Science, JGR Oceans, JGR Solid Earth, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Space Weather
- name: PANGAEA
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010134
url: https://pangaea.de/
notes: "Pangaea is generally open for archiving, publishing, and re-usage of data from the Earth, environmental and life sciences. When you start the data submission process, you will be redirected to the PANGAEA issue tracker that will assist you in providing metadata and uploading data files. Any communication with our editors will go through this issue tracker. For more details about the submission workflow see our tutorial. Please note: All data and metadata are quality checked, harmonized, and processed for machine readability, which allows efficient and reliable re-usage of your data. Depending on the extent and complexity of your data submission the editorial process and minting of DOI names might therefore take up to 8 weeks or even more. Link(s): <a href='https://www.pangaea.de/submit/'>Submit Data/Tutorial</a>"
category: Earth and Environmental Data
journal-list: JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Earth Surface, Water Resources Research, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, JAMES, JGR Atmospheres, GeoHealth, JGR Planets, Paleoceanograph and Paleoclimatology, JGR Solid Earth, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- name: Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010272
url: https://environmentaldatainitiative.org/
notes: "EDI is an NSF-funded repository accepting environmental research data and relevant processing code. Trained curators assist researchers from field stations, individual laboratories, and research projects of all sizes and actively promote and enable curation and re-use of environmental data through outreach and training. EDI is committed to enable data that is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable through rich science metadata and assigning of DOIs. All data and metadata are quality checked and machine readable ensuring reliable reuse of data. Data submission is provided. Link(s): <a href='https://edirepository.org/data/publish-data'>Submit Data</a>"
category: Earth and Environmental Data
journal-list: JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Oceans
- name: Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100000012
url: https://www.bco-dmo.org/
notes: "BCO-DMO is a publicly accessible earth science data repository created to curate, publicly serve (publish), and archive digital data and information from biological, chemical and biogeochemical research conducted globally in coastal, marine, great lakes and laboratory environments. 1.) The BCO-DMO repository provides data management services at no additional cost to investigators funded through the following programs: NSF OCE Division Biological and Chemical Sections; NSF Division of Polar Programs Antarctic Organisms & Ecosystems; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Marine Microbiology Initiative (GBMF MMI). In certain circumstances, the office can provide data management services for a fee to investigators funded outside of these programs. Please contact the office at <a href='mailto:info@bco-dmo.org'>info@bco-dmo.org</a> to learn more. 2.) BCO-DMO works closely with individual investigators and data originators throughout the data life cycle, from data management planning support, quality control and metadata assembly, to DOI creation and archive with appropriate national facilities. The office ensures all contributed project data and metadata are in compliance with current funder policies (i.e., NSF OCE Sample and Data Policy, NSF 17-037) and offers investigators the option to embargo data (in accordance with funder policies) until publication. Dataset DOIs are obtained and available once investigators review final curated data packages for publishing. Dataset DOIs, once generated, may be used for scholarly publication and/or funder reporting. BCO-DMO accepts scholarly publication DOIs and can link these to their respective datasets. 3.) Data accepted by BCO-DMO include all project output (observational data, derived and statistical products, analysis code, software and models, and supporting documentation such as reports and calibration information). The office accepts a wide variety of data types and formats, and works to publish a non-proprietary, research-ready, data package available to new research. To contribute data to BCO-DMO, please see the '<a href='https://www.bco-dmo.org/how-get-started'>How to Get Started Contributing > Data</a>' page, located under the Resources tab of the BCO-DMO website."
category: Water, Hydrologic, Biological and Chemical Data
journal-list: JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Oceans, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- name: DesignSafe-CI Data Depot Repository
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100012308
url: https://www.designsafe-ci.org/
notes: "The DesignSafe Data Depot Repository (DDR) is the platform for curation and publication of datasets generated in the course of natural hazards research. The DDR is an open access data repository that enables data producers to safely store, share, organize, and describe research data, towards permanent publication, distribution, and impact evaluation. The DDR allows data consumers to discover, search for, access, and reuse published data in an effort to accelerate research discovery. It is a component of the DesignSafe cyberinfrastructure, which represents a comprehensive research environment that provides cloud-based tools to manage, analyze, curate, and publish critical data for research to understand the impacts of natural hazards. DesignSafe is part of the NSF-supported Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI), and aligns with its mission to provide the natural hazards research community with open access, shared-use scholarship, education, and community resources aimed at supporting civil and social infrastructure prior to, during, and following natural disasters. It serves a broad national and international audience of natural hazard researchers (both engineers and social scientists), students, practitioners, policy makers, as well as the general public. It has been in operation since 2016, and also provides access to legacy data dating from about 2005. These legacy data were generated as part of the NSF-supported Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES), a predecessor to NHERI. Legacy data and metadata belonging to NEES were transferred to the DDR for continuous preservation and access."
category: Natural Hazards Data
journal-list: Earth’s Future, Geophysical Research Letters, GeoHealth, JGR Atmospheres, JGR Oceans, JGR Solid Earth, JGR Earth Surface
- name: Dryad
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100000044
url: https://datadryad.org
notes: "Dryad is an international repository of data underlying peer-reviewed scientific and medical literature, particularly data for which no specialized repository exists. The content is considered to be integral to the published research. All material in Dryad is associated with a scholarly publication."
category: Earth and Environmental Data
journal-list: Geophysical Research Letters, JGR Solid Earth, JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Atmospheres, Water Resources Research, Earth and Space Science
- name: figshare
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010066
url: http://figshare.com/
notes: "figshare allows researchers to publish all of their research outputs in an easily citable, sharable and discoverable manner. All file formats can be published, including videos and datasets. Optional peer review process. figshare uses creative commons licensing. Link(s): <a href='https://knowledge.figshare.com/plus'>figshare+ - publish big datasets</a>."
category: Earth and Environmental Data
journal-list: JGR Earth Surface, JAMES, Earth and Space Science, JGR Oceans, JGR Solid Earth, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- name: Geochron
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011537
url: https://www.geochron.org/
notes: "A global database hosting geochronologic and thermochronologic information from detrital minerals. Accepts data from a variety of data reduction programs that are used widely in the various geochronology and thermochronology communities. These programs have features to seamlessly upload data to Geochron, but do require a unique sample or aliquot identifier. You can access these programs under the Data Reduction Software part of the website. Many of these will accommodate legacy data or data not reduced by those programs. Text taken from GeoChron website about submitting data. Geochron works with the Earthchem Library to publish data with Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Link(s): <a href='https://www.geochron.org/submitdata.php'>Data Reduction and Upload Software</a>, <a href='https://www.geochron.org/submittingdata'>Submitting Data</a>"
category: Geochronologic and Thermochronologic Data
journal-list: Water Resources Research, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Tectonics, JGR Solid Earth
- name: HydroShare
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100012625
url: https://www.hydroshare.org/
notes: "HydroShare is a system operated by The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science Inc. (CUAHSI) that enables users to share and publish data and models in a variety of flexible formats, and to make this information available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner. HydroShare includes a repository for data and models, and tools (web apps) that can act on content in HydroShare providing users with a gateway to high performance computing and computing in the cloud. With HydroShare you can: share data and models with colleagues; manage access to shared content; share, access, visualize, and manipulate a broad set of hydrologic data types and models; publish data and models and obtain a citable digital object identifier (DOI); aggregate resources into collections; discover and access data and models published by others; use the web services application programming interface (API) to programmatically access resources; and use integrated web applications to visualize, analyze and run models with data in HydroShare. Link(s): <a href='https://www.cuahsi.org/'>CUAHSI</a>, <a href='http://data.cuahsi.org/'>HydroClient</a>"
category: Water, Hydrologic Data
journal-list: Water Resources Research, JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Oceans
- name: EarthChem Library
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011538
url: https://earthchem.org/ecl/
notes: "An open-access repository for geochemical datasets (analytical data, experimental data, synthesis databases) and other digital resources relevant to the field of geochemistry. The EarthChem Library offers data preservation and access, including long-term archiving and registration of data with Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Text taken from EarthChem Library website. Link(s): <a href='https://earthchem.org/help/guidelines'>Data Submission Guidelines</a>, <a href='https://earthchem.org/data/cite'>Citation Guidelines</a>"
category: Geochemical Data
journal-list: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, JAMES, Water Resources Research, JGR Earth Surface, Tectonics, JGR Oceans, JGR Planets, JGR Solid Earth
- name: ESS-DIVE
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100000019
url: https://ess-dive.lbl.gov/
notes: "The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) data archive serves Earth and environmental science data. ESS-DIVE is funded by the Data Management program within the Climate and Environmental Science Division under the DOE’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research program (BER), and is maintained by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ESS-DIVE will archive and publicly share data obtained from observational, experimental, and modeling research that is funded by the DOE’s Office of Science under its Subsurface Biogeochemical Research (SBR) and Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) programs within the Environmental Systems Science (ESS) activity. ESS-DIVE was launched in July 2017, and is designed to provide long-term stewardship and use of data from observational, experimental and modeling activities in the DOE in the Subsurface Biogeochemical Research (SBR) and Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) Programs in the Environmental System Science (ESS) activity."
category: Earth and Environmental Data, U.S. Department of Energy – Funded Research
journal-list: JAMES, JGR Biogeosciences
- name: Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository (GCdataPR)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100012218
url: http://www.geodoi.ac.cn/WebEn/Default.aspx
notes: "Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository (GCdataPR) is an open data infrastructure on earth science, particular on the global environmental changes. The GCdataPR management policies following the international common understanding to the data sharing principles and guidelines is the key to make the qualified data publishing and sharing smoothly and successfully. The data management policies including dataset submission for publishing policy, peer review policy data quality control policy data long-term preservation policy, data sharing policy, 10 percent rule for identify original dataset policy, claim discovery with both data and paper policy, and data service statistics policy."
category: Earth Science, Global Environmental Changes Data
journal-list: Geophysical Research Letters, JAMES, JGR Atmospheres, Water Resources Research
- name: Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010268
url: https://www.iris.edu/hq/
notes: "IRIS offers free and open access to a comprehensive data store of raw geophysical time-series data collected from a large variety of sensors, courtesy of a vast array of US and International scientific networks, including seismometers (permanent and temporary), tilt and strain meters, infrasound, temperature, atmospheric pressure and gravimeters, to support basic research aimed at imaging the Earth's interior. IRIS provides management of, and access to, observed and derived data for the global earth science community. This includes ground motion, atmospheric, infrasonic, hydrological, and hydroacoustic data. Link(s): <a href='http://www.fdsn.org/citations/'>IRIS Network Citation Guidelines</a>, <a href='https://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/data/#submitting'>Data at IRIS (Submitting)</a>, <a href='http://ds.iris.edu/ds/'>Data Services (Data Management System)</a>"
category: Geophysical Time-Series Data
journal-list: JAMES, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Tectonics, JGR Oceans, JGR Planets, JGR Solid Earth
- name: Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010273
url: https://www.marine-geo.org/
notes: "The Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) is a trusted data repository that provides free public access to a curated collection of marine geophysical data products and complementary data related to understanding the formation and evolution of the seafloor and sub-seafloor. Developed and operated by domain scientists and technical specialists with deep knowledge about the creation, analysis and scientific interpretation of marine geoscience data, the system makes available a digital library of data files described by a rich curated metadata catalog. MGDS provides tools and services for the discovery and download of data collected throughout the global oceans. Primary data types are geophysical field data including active source seismic data, potential field, bathymetry, sidescan sonar, near-bottom imagery, other seafloor senor data as well as a diverse array of processed data and interpreted data products (e.g. seismic interpretations, microseismicity catalogs, geologic maps and interpretations, photomosaics and visualizations). Our data resources support scientists working broadly on solid earth science problems ranging from mid-ocean ridge, subduction zone and hotspot processes, to geohazards, continental margin evolution, sediment transport at glaciated and unglaciated margins. Link(s): <a href='https://www.marine-geo.org/collections/#!/collection/Seismic#summary'>Academic Seismic Portal at LDEO</a>, <a href='https://www.marine-geo.org/submit/'>Contribute Data</a>"
category: Marine Geophysical, Seismic Data
journal-list: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Tectonics, JGR Oceans, JGR Solid Earth
- name: Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011910
url: https://www2.earthref.org/MagIC
notes: "Archive for rock magnetic, geomagnetic, archeomagnetic (archaeomagnetic) and paleomagnetic (palaeomagnetic) data. 1.) It is recommended that you reach out to the MagIC team (data.curator@earthref.org) in advance (~3 months) to work out the details of your data workflow and upload. The team can work with you to develop or leverage existing scripts to translate other data formats into the MagIC format. 2.) Uploading summary data (as found in tables in a paper), for instance measurement data, is highly recommended for AGU journals and can take less time to upload. 3.) Once your data have been uploaded to your private workspace in MagIC and is ready for publication, MagIC will require a DOI for your paper. Your data will not be made public until the paper has been published. This sequence of events, ensures the data are linked to your paper accurately by both AGU and MagIC. In your private workspace, you will see what the data DOI will be and this DOI is what you should put in your paper’s reference list for the data citation and in the availability statement. 4.) Your data should be uploaded in its final form before the paper is sent to reviewers; they need to access the data along with your paper. MagIC has a “share link” feature which allows you to share the data from one of your private data sets with colleagues, editors and reviewers. People accessing your data via the private “share link” are anonymous. MagIC does not store the identities of who accesses the data via shared links and keeps any IP addresses associated with accessing private data confidential. 5.) The data DOI link from MagIC should be activated by the author at the time the paper is published. Depending on the journal, there may be some delay between when the paper is published and when MagIC is alerted. The paper metadata must be available to MagIC before the author can activate the data DOI. In the event that an author fails to make their data public, MagIC will make reasonable efforts to encourage the author to do so, but reserves the right to make public the data associated with the published paper. Authors are encouraged to correct any errors or mistakes in the dataset after publishing. Datasets are versioned and the original dataset that was published with the paper will still be available by others. Link(s): <a href='https://www2.earthref.org/MagIC/help'>FAQ/Help</a>"
category: Rock Magnetic, Geomagnetic, Archeomagnetic, and Paleomagnetic Data
journal-list: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Tectonics, JGR Solid Earth
- name: National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011801
url: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/
notes: "Formerly National Climatic Data Center, the National Geophysical Data Center, and the National Oceanographic Data Center. NCEI is the United States’s facility established to acquire, process, store, and disseminate environmental data from the United States and other countries. NCEI operates as a component of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NCEI's U.S. data holdings include unclassified data collected by Federal agencies including the Department of Defense (primarily the U.S. Navy); State and local government agencies; universities and research institutions; and private industry. NCEI does not conduct any data collection programs of its own; it serves solely as a repository, dissemination, and analysis facility for data collected by others. A very large portion of the data held by NCEI is of foreign origin. We acquire foreign data through direct bilateral exchanges with other countries and organizations, and through the facilities of World Data System for Oceanography, Silver Spring. WDS (Oceanography) is operated by NCEI under the auspices of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. It is one of the discipline subcenters within the World Data Center System that fosters international exchange of scientific data under guidelines issued by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). Each year NCEI responds to thousands of requests from users in the United States and around the world. NCEI data support research and development in ocean resource development, marine environmental assessment, national defense, theoretical oceanography, ocean engineering, etc. As a service organization, NCEI welcomes inquiries from all potential users of marine data and data products. Send2NCEI (S2N) is a system where data producers can submit their data for archiving at NCEI (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/archive/send2ncei/). Median time to archive for S2N submissions is <30 days. During submission the producer can ask for a DOI. Link(s): <a href='https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/contact'>Contact</a>, <a href='https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/archive/'>Archive</a>, <a href='https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/archive/send2ncei/'>Send2NCEI</a>."
category: Marine Data, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Funded Research
journal-list: JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Earth Surface, JGR Atmospheres, JGR Oceans, Paleoceanograph and Paleoclimatology, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Space Weather
- name: OpenTopography
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010655
url: https://opentopography.org/
notes: "Hosts Earth science related, research-grade, topography and bathymetry data. It is available to support NSF funded PIs and projects that have previously acquired or are in the planning phases of acquiring lidar topography data. Email <a href='mailto:info@opentopography.org'>info@opentopography.org</a> for information on submitting data. Link(s): <a href='https://opentopography.org/about/services'>Services/Data Submission Process</a>, <a href='https://opentopography.org/citations'>Acknowledgement/Citation</a>"
category: Topographic and Bathymetric Data
journal-list: Water Resources Research, JGR Earth Surface, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Tectonics, JGR Oceans, JGR Solid Earth
- name: Research Data Archive at NCAR
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010050
url: https://rda.ucar.edu/
notes: "The Research Data Archive (RDA) at NCAR contains a large and diverse collection of meteorological and oceanographic observations, operational and reanalysis model outputs, and remote sensing datasets to support atmospheric and geosciences research, along with ancillary datasets, such as topography/bathymetry, vegetation, and land use."
category: Marine, Meteorological, Oceanographic, Remote Sensing, Atmospheric, Geosciences, Topography/Bathymetry, Vegetation, Land Use Data
journal-list: JGR Atmospheres, JGR Oceans
- name: ScienceBase
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011379
url: http://www.sciencebase.gov/about
notes: "The primary data archive for recent and ongoing USGS investigations ScienceBase provides access to aggregated information derived from many data and information domains, including feeds from existing data systems, metadata catalogs, and scientists contributing new and original content. ScienceBase is a USGS Trusted Digital Repository. Reference here for information on preparing your data for public release on ScienceBase."
category: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) – Funded Research
journal-list: JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Earth Surface, Tectonics, JGR Solid Earth
- name: SEANOE (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011867
url: https://www.seanoe.org/
notes: "Seanoe (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition) is a publisher of scientific data in the field of marine sciences. It is operated by Ifremer (http://wwz.ifremer.fr/). Data published by SEANOE are available free. They can be used in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license selected by the author of data. Seance contributes to Open Access / Open Science movement for a free access for everyone to all scientific data financed by public funds for the benefit of research. An embargo limited to 2 years on a set of data is possible; for example to restrict access to data of a publication under scientific review. Each data set published by SEANOE has a DOI which enables it to be cited in a publication in a reliable and sustainable way. The long-term preservation of data filed in SEANOE is ensured by Ifremer infrastructure."
category: Sea Scientific Open Data
journal-list: JGR Oceans, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- name: National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (SRA)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010775
url: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra
notes: "The SRA is NIH's primary archive of high-throughput sequencing data and is part of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) that includes at the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA), the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), and the DNA Database of Japan (DDBJ). Data submitted to any of the three organizations are shared among them. SRA accepts data from all kinds of sequencing projects including clinically important studies that involve human subjects or their metagenomes, which may contain human sequences. These data often have controlled access via dbGaP (the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes). Link(s): <a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/docs/submit/'>Submission Quick Start</a>."
category: OMICS, Marine Microbial Genomics Data
journal-list: JGR Biogeosciences, JGR Oceans
- name: National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010143
url: https://www.nssdc.ac.cn/eng/
notes: "NSSDC is the nation-level space science center which recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. As a repository for space science data, NSSDC assumes the responsibility of the long-term stewardship and offering a reliable service of space science data in China. It also has been the Chinese center for space science of the World Data Center (WDC) since 1988. In 2013, NSSDC became a regular member of World Data System. Data resources are concentrated in the following fields of space physics and space environment, space astronomy, lunar and planetary science, space application and engineering. In space physics, the NSSDC maintains space-based observation data and ground-based observation data of the middle and upper atmosphere, ionosphere and earth surface, from Geo-space Double Star Exploration Program and Meridian Project. In space astronomy, NSSDC archived pointed observation data of Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope. In lunar and planetary science, space application and engineering, NSSDC also collects detection data of Chang’E from Lunar Exploration Program and science products of BeiDou satellites."
category: Space Physics, Space Environment, Space Astronomy, Lunar, Planetary Science, Space Application and Engineering
journal-list: JGR Space Physics, JGR Planets, Space Weather, Geophysical Research Letters, Earth and Space Science
- name: National Tibetan Plateau/Third Pole Environment Data Center
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100013285
url: https://data.tpdc.ac.cn/en/
notes: "The National Tibetan Plateau/Third Pole Environment Data Center (TPDC) is one of a first group of 20 national data centers approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in 2019. It possesses the most comprehensive scientific data on the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions of any data centers in China. TPDC provides online and offline data download services according to TPDC data Sharing Protocol with bilingual of Chinese and English (https://data.tpdc.ac.cn/). There are more than 2400 datasets, covering geography, atmospheric science, cryospheric science, hydrology, ecology, geology, geophysics, natural resource science, social economy, and other fields. There are more than 30000 registered users. TPDC complies with the principle of “Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR)”, and has adopted a series of measures to protect the intellectual property by giving credit to data providers. Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) are used for scientific data access, tracking, and citation. The Creative Commons 4.0 protocol is used for data re-distribution and re-use. Data users are required to cite the datasets and provide necessary acknowledgement in order to give credit to data authors as journal papers. The data citation references are provided on the TPDC landing page of each dataset."
category: Datasets, covering geography, atmospheric science, cryospheric science, hydrology, ecology, geology, geophysics, natural resource science, social economy
journal-list: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, JGR Solid Earth, JGR Earth Surface, JGR Biogeosciences, Tectonics, Geophysical Research Letters, Earth and Space Science
- name: Science Data Bank
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100013177
url: https://www.scidb.cn/en
notes: "Science Data Bank or ScienceDB is an open generalist data repository developed and maintained by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Computing and Network Information Center (CNIC). It promotes the publication and reuse of scientific data. Researchers and journal publishers can use it to store, manage and share science data."
category: Earth and Environmental Data
journal-list: JGR Biogeosciences, JAMES
- repository-group: GeoHealth
- name: NIH Open Domain-Specific Data Sharing Repositories
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/search?query=NIH
url: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/NIHbmic/domain_specific_repositories.html
notes: "This table lists NIH-supported domain-specific data repositories that make data accessible for reuse and are open for both submitting and accessing data. Submission is typically limited to data of a certain type or related to a certain discipline. The table provides links to information about submitting data to and accessing data from the listed repositories. Repositories in this list have current NIH funding, sustained support, open data submission and access, and open time frame for data deposit, based on information <a href='https://www.nlm.nih.gov/NIHbmic/query_criteria.html'>provided by the repository</a> about funding and data availability. This non-exhaustive list is also available in a <a href='https://www.nlm.nih.gov/NIHbmic/BMIC_open_repos_20210806.xlsx'>downloadable Excel version</a>. Link(s): <a href='mailto:custserv@nlm.nih.gov'>Contact Email</a>"
category: U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) – Funded Research
journal: GeoHealth
- name: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011571
url: https://data.gulfresearchinitiative.org/
notes: "The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) data management system provides researchers with a variety of tools to help manage data throughout the lifecycle of a project. For example, the GRIIDC Dataset Information Form (DIF) is a resource designed to assist researchers with data management planning. While the system assists researchers with multiple phases of data management, the main functions of the system are storing and sharing data. Researchers from diverse fields of study, including biology, chemistry, physical oceanography, sociology, political science and public health, are able to store their data in the GRIIDC system. Through the GRIIDC search page, researchers, policy makers, and the general public are able to search for and download this data. This shared data can be used to address innovative scientific research questions, assess policies and programs, and in educational initiatives. By providing a forum for both storing and sharing data the GRIIDC system increases the impact of scientific research in the Gulf of Mexico and beyond for the benefit of society."
category: Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem and Beyond Data
journal: GeoHealth
- repository-group: JAMES
- name: UCAR/NCAR DASH Repository
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100013164
url: https://dashrepo.ucar.edu/
notes: "The DASH Repository provides persistent data archiving and distribution for small-scale data collections from UCAR/NCAR researchers and projects. This data repository specifically focuses on providing long-term preservation and stewardship of NCAR's small-scale data collections. Complementing other NCAR-managed data repositories, the DASH Repository helps NCAR researchers to enable long term access, interoperability, and reuse of NCAR datasets."
category: Earth and Environmental Data
journal: JAMES
- name: World Data Center for Climate (WDCC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010299
url: https://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/ui/cerasearch/
notes: "The German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ: Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH) dsaprovides a Long Term Archiving Service for large research data sets which are relevant for climate or Earth system research. This service includes archiving and retrieval capability of data for time periods of 10 years or longer. The long-term archive (LTA) of DKRZ is certified according to the criteria of the Core Trust Seal (CTS) and is, as World Data Centre for Climate (WDCC), accredited as regular member of the World Data System."
category: Climate and Earth System Data
journal: JAMES
- repository-group: JGR Atmospheres
- name: Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010061
url: https://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/
notes: "The Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center is responsible for processing, archiving, and distribution of NASA Earth science data in the areas of radiation budget, clouds, aerosols, and tropospheric chemistry. The ASDC specializes in atmospheric data important to understanding the causes and processes of global climate change and the consequences of human activities on the climate"
category: Atmospheric Data
journal: JGR Atmospheres
- name: Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100000036
url: https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/
notes: "One of twelve NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Data Centers that provide Earth science data, information, and services to research scientists, applications scientists, applications users, and students. The GES DISC is the home (archive) of NASA Precipitation and Hydrology, as well as Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics remote sensing data and information. The DISC also houses the Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data assimilation datasets (generated by GSFC’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office), and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data products (both generated by GSFC's Hydrological Sciences Branch)."
category: Precipitation, Hydrology, Atmospheric Composition, Dynamics Remote Sensing Data - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
journal: JGR Atmospheres
- name: National Geoscience Data Centre
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010189
url: https://www.bgs.ac.uk/geological-data/national-geoscience-data-centre/
notes: "The National Geoscience Data Centre is a data-rich organization with over 400 datasets in its care: including environmental monitoring data, digital databases, physical collections (borehole core, rocks, minerals and fossils), records and archives. British Geological Survey (BGS) data is managed by the National Geoscience Data Centre. "
category: Environmental Monitoring Data, Databases, Physical Collections
journal: Atmospheres
- name: The World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010156
url: https://wdc.dlr.de/
notes: "The World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, WDC-RSAT, offers scientists and the general public free access (in the sense of a “one-stop shop”) to a continuously growing collection of atmosphere-related satellite-based data sets (ranging from raw to value added data), information products and services. Focus is on atmospheric trace gases, aerosols, dynamics, radiation, and cloud physical parameters. Complementary information and data on surface parameters (e.g. vegetation index, surface temperatures) is also provided. This is achieved either by giving access to data stored at the data center or by acting as a portal containing links to other providers."
category: Atmosphere-Related, Satellite-Based Data
journal: JGR Atmospheres
- repository-group: JGR Biogeosciences
- name: Ameriflux
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100013260
url: https://ameriflux.lbl.gov/
notes: "The AmeriFlux Network ensures the availability of the continuous, long term ecosystem measurements necessary to build effective models and multisite syntheses, while maximizing insight through robust, site-specific, independent research programs. With these consistent, high-quality environmental measurements, AmeriFlux helps ensure that critical decisions are supported by the most complete understanding and data. Independent scientists measure the flows of carbon between land and atmosphere, using a technique called eddy covariance, and then contribute their data to the AmeriFlux Network. The AmeriFlux Network works with scientists to standardize, quality check, and process data into common forms that the scientific community can use to examine crucial linkages between ecosystem processes and climate responses. Link(s); <a href='https://ameriflux.lbl.gov/data/aboutdata/'>About Data</a>, <a href='https://ameriflux.lbl.gov/data/how-to-uploaddownload-data/'>How to Upload/Download Data</a>."
category: Ecosystem CO2, Water, Energy Fluxes
journal: JGR Biogeosciences
- name: Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100012203
url: https://www.icos-cp.eu/
notes: "The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) is a distributed pan European research infrastructure producing high-quality data on greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, as well as on carbon fluxes between the atmosphere, the land surface and the oceans. Link(s): <a href='https://www.icos-cp.eu/data-services'>Data Service</a>s."
category: Ecosystem CO2, Water, Energy Fluxes
journal: JGR Biogeosciences
- name: Bolin Centre Database
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011699
url: https://bolin.su.se/data/
notes: "The Bolin Centre Database is a storage and management facility for data collected and collated at the Bolin Centre for Climate Research. Most of the data are available with open access and can be used under the terms given in the data description. Our goal is to host all datasets produced within the Bolin Centre, to visualize the data and make the data publicly available. Link(s): <a href='mailto:bolindata@su.se.'>Contact</a>, <a href='https://bolin.su.se/data/contribute/'>Contribute</a>s."
category: Climate Data - Institutional/Project Repositories
journal: JGR Biogeosciences
- name: MEMENTO Database
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011549
url: https://memento.geomar.de/
notes: "MEMENTO database includes methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) data from the global ocean (both open and coastal). The MEMENTO database is administered by the Kiel Data Management Team at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research and supported by the German BMBF project SOPRAN (Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene). A login is required to access the data. Link(s): <a href='https://memento.geomar.de/contact'>Contact</a>, <a href='https://memento.geomar.de/n2o-data-contributors'>Contribute</a>s, <a href='https://memento.geomar.de/submit-your-data'>Data Access</a>."
category: Methane (CH4) and Nitrous Xxide (N2O)
journal: JGR Biogeosciences
- name: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100000037
url: https://daac.ornl.gov/
notes: "The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC) for Biogeochemical Dynamics is a NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data center managed by the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project. The ORNL DAAC is operated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and is a member of the Remote Sensing and Environmental Informatics Group of the Environmental Sciences Division (ESD). The ORNL DAAC is a CoreTrustSeal Certified Repository. Link(s): <a href='https://daac.ornl.gov/submit/'>Submit Data</a>."
category: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) – Funded Research
journal: JGR Biogeosciences
- name: Metagenomics Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (MG-RAST)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011031
url: https://www.mg-rast.org/
notes: "The MG-RAST server is an open source system for annotation and comparative analysis of metagenomes. Users can upload raw sequence data in fasta format; the sequences will be normalized and processed and summaries automatically generated. The server provides several methods to access the different data types, including phylogenetic and metabolic reconstructions, and the ability to compare the metabolism and annotations of one or more metagenomes and genomes. In addition, the server offers a comprehensive search capability. Access to the data is password protected, and all data generated by the automated pipeline is available for download in a variety of common formats. MG-RAST has become an unofficial repository for metagenomic data, providing a means to make your data public so that it is available for download and viewing of the analysis without registration, as well as a static link that you can use in publications. It also requires that you include experimental metadata about your sample when it is made public to increase the usefulness to the community. Link(s): <a href='https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2105-9-386'>About Services</a>."
category: OMICS
journal: JGR Biogeosciences
- name: USGS National Water Information System
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011035
url: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis
notes: "Central data management of the USGS for water data that provides access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The USGS works with partners to monitor, assess, conduct targeted research, and deliver information on a wide range of water resources and conditions including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability. Link(s): <a href='https://help.waterdata.usgs.gov/faq'>Help/FAQ</a>."
category: Water Data, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) – Funded Research
journal: JGR Biogeosciences
- repository-group: Earth's Future
- name: Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100012305
url: https://www.ceda.ac.uk/
notes: "The Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) serves the environmental science community through managing data centres, data analysis environments, and participation in a host of relevant research projects. We aim to support environmental science, further environmental data archival practices, and develop and deploy new technologies to enhance access to data. Additionally we provide services to aid large scale data analysis. The CEDA Archive operates the atmospheric and earth observation data centre functions on behalf of NERC for the UK atmospheric science and earth observation communities. It covers climate, composition, observations and NWP data as well as various earth observation datasets, including airborne and satellite data and imagery. Prior to November 2016 these functions were operted by CEDA under the titles of the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) and the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC). CEDA also operates the UK Solar System Data Centre (UKSSDC), which curates and provides access to archives of data from the upper atmosphere, ionosphere and Earth's solar environment."
category: Environmental Data
journal: Earth's Future
- name: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010159
url: https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/
notes: "SEDAC, the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center, is one of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) in the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. SEDAC is a regular member of the World Data System and focuses on human interactions in the environment. Its mission is to develop and operate applications that support the integration of socioeconomic and Earth science data and to serve as an 'Information Gateway' between the Earth and social sciences."
category: Socioeconomic, Earth Science Data
journal: Earth's Future
- repository-group: JGR Earth Surface
- name: National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010110
url: https://nsidc.org/
notes: "NSIDC offers hundreds of scientific data sets for research, focusing on the cryosphere and its interactions. Data are from satellites and field observations. All data are free of charge."
category: Cryospheric Data
journal: JGR Earth Surface
- repository-group: JGR Oceans
- name: British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010192
url: https://www.bodc.ac.uk/
notes: "The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) is a national facility for looking after and distributing data concerning the marine environment. We deal with biological, chemical, physical and geophysical data, and our databases contain measurements of nearly 22,000 different variables. Many of our staff have direct experience of marine data collection and analysis. They work alongside information technology specialists to ensure that data are documented and stored for current and future use."
category: Marine Environmental Data - U.K. National Oceanography Centre
journal: JGR Oceans
- name: CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office (CCHDO)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010831
url: https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/
notes: "The CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office (CCHDO) primary mission is to deliver the highest possible quality global CTD and hydrographic data to users. These data are a product of decades of observations related to the physical characteristics of ocean waters carried out during WOCE, CLIVAR and numerous other oceanographic research programs. Whenever possible we provide these data in three easy-to-use formats: WHP-Exchange (which we recommend for data submissions to the CCHDO), WOCE, and netCDF.The CCHDO also manages public and non-public CTD data to be used for the global Argo and OceanSITES programs.
This site is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Observations Division. Link(s): <a href='https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/submit'>Data Submissions</a>."
category: Hydrographic and Global CTD Data
journal: JGR Oceans
- name: Joint Archive for Shipboard Acoustic Doppler current profilers (JASADCP)
url: https://uhslc.soest.hawaii.edu/sadcp/
notes: "The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in collaboration with the E.Firing Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Laboratory at the University of Hawaii have established the Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP (JASADCP). The JASADCP is reponsible for the acquisition, review, documentation, archival, and distribution of shipboard ADCP data sets. The archive primarily handles US national cruises, although it also supports several completed or ongoing international programs such as TOGA COARE, WEPOCS, WOCE, and CLIVAR."
category: shipboard ADCP Data
journal: JGR Oceans
- name: LacCore National Lacustrine Core Facility
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100012880
url: https://cse.umn.edu/csd
notes: "LacCore: National Lacustrine Core Facility. LacCore and the associated Continental Scientific Drilling Coordination Office (CSDCO) provide infrastructure for scientists utilizing core samples from Earth’s continents in their research, through integrated support for coring and drilling projects, from project inception through curation. Funded by NSF and the University of Minnesota."
category: Core Sample Data
journal: JGR Oceans
- name: U.S. Antarctic Program Data Center
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010660
url: https://www.usap-dc.org/
notes: "The U.S. Antarctic Program Data Center (USAP-DC) supports investigators funded by the National Science Foundation in documenting, preserving, and disseminating their research results. We register datasets in the Antarctic Master Directory (AMD) to comply with the Antarctic Treaty; facilitate submission of datasets to long-term archives; and represent the U.S. in Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) activities. USAP-DC is a member of the Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) and the Antarctic and Arctic Data Consortium (A2DC). Link(s): <a href='https://www.usap-dc.org/submit'>Contribute Data</a>"
category: Antarctic Data
journal: JGR Oceans
- name: NSF Arctic Data Center
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011973
url: https://arcticdata.io/
notes: "The NSF Arctic Data Center helps the research community reproducibly preserve and discover all products of NSF-funded science in the Arctic, including data, metadata, software, documents, and provenance that link these in a coherent knowledge model.
Data management tools: Researcher-facing submission tools provide convenient pathways to document and archive diverse data formats as part of scientists’ normal workflows (e.g., both through the web and via analytical tools such as Matlab, R, and IDL). This infrastructure is supported by an outstanding set of community services, including data discovery tools, metadata assessment and editing, data cleansing and integration, data management consulting, and user help-desk services.
The Arctic Data Center team help make it easier for Arctic researchers to plan for data collection, create a high-quality record of the data, and submit it to the repository to preserve it for the science community and satisfy data policies at NSF. Link(s): <a href='https://arcticdata.io/q-and-a/'>Question and Answer</a>, <a href='https://arcticdata.io/submit/'>Data Submission Guidelines</a>, <a href='https://arcticdata.io/catalog/submit'>Submit Data</a>, <a href='https://arcticdata.io/preservation/'>Data Preservation</a>."
category: Arctic Data
journal: JGR Oceans
- name: Ocean Biodiversity Information System
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010088
url: https://obis.org/
notes: "Ocean Biogeographic/Biodiversity Ocean System (OBIS) builds and maintains a global alliance that collaborates with scientific communities to facilitate free and open access to, and application of, biodiversity and biogeographic data and information on marine life. OBIS accepts data from any organization, consortium, project or individual who wants to contribute data. OBIS Data Sources are the authors, editors, and/or organisations that have published one or more datasets through OBIS. They are the owners or custodians of the data, not OBIS! However, OBIS only harvests data from recognized OBIS nodes. Link(s): <a href='https://obis.org/manual/contribute/'>Contribute Data</a>"
category: Marine Life Biodiversity and Biogeographic Data
journal: JGR Oceans
- name: Ocean Biodiversity Information System
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010088
url: https://obis.org/
notes: "Ocean Biogeographic/Biodiversity Ocean System (OBIS) builds and maintains a global alliance that collaborates with scientific communities to facilitate free and open access to, and application of, biodiversity and biogeographic data and information on marine life. OBIS accepts data from any organization, consortium, project or individual who wants to contribute data. OBIS Data Sources are the authors, editors, and/or organisations that have published one or more datasets through OBIS. They are the owners or custodians of the data, not OBIS! However, OBIS only harvests data from recognized OBIS nodes. Link(s): <a href='https://obis.org/manual/contribute/'>Contribute Data</a>"
category: Marine Life Biodiversity and Biogeographic Data
journal: JGR Oceans
- repository-group: JGR Planets
- name: Data ARchives and Transmission System
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010463
url: https://www.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/index.html.en
notes: "Data ARchives and Transmission System (DARTS) - Data archives on a broad range of space sciences including astronomy, solar physics, and solar-terrestrial physics. Data is mainly acquired by Japanese scientific satellites. The data policy for JAXA is available via <a href='https://www.isas.jaxa.jp/en/researchers/data-policy/'>ISAS</a> and data citation guidance from DARTS is available via the following <a href='https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/'>pubs folder</a> where README/DOI files can be found by project."
category: JAXA Repositories
journal: JGR Planets
- name: ESA Planetary Science Archive (PSA)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100012465
url: https://archives.esac.esa.int/psa/
notes: "The European Space Agency's Planetary Science Archive (PSA) is the central repository for all scientific and engineering data returned by ESA's Solar System missions: currently including Giotto, Huygens, Mars Express, Venus Express, Rosetta, SMART-1 and ExoMars 16, as well as several ground-based cometary observations. Future missions hosted by the PSA will be Bepi Colombo, ExoMars Rover and Surface Platform and Juice. ESA Guest Storage Facility - for useful datasets that includes a DOI registration service. Link(s): <a href='https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/psa/psa_gsf'>Guest Storage</a>. Additional ESA data can be found at: <a href=''>Earth Online: Earth Observation Data, Copernicus Space Component Data, <a href='https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/How_to_access_data'>Sentinel Online: Technical Information & Data</a>."
category: Scientific and Engineering Data - ESA Solar System Missions
journal: JGR Planets
- name: Lunar and Planetary Data Release System
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/
url: https://moon.bao.ac.cn/web/enmanager/home
notes: "The Data Release and Information Service System of China's Lunar Exploration Program via The National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Scientific data search and download from the Chang missions including lunar samples and map "
category: Lunar Exploration Program Data - National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
journal: JGR Planets
- name: Planetary Data System (PDS)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010121
url: https://pds.nasa.gov/
notes: "The Planetary Data System (PDS) is a long-term archive of digital data products returned from NASA's planetary missions, and from other kinds of flight and ground-based data acquisitions, including laboratory experiments. Archive submissions are prepared by researchers under the guidance of PDS personnel. All products are peer-reviewed, well-documented, and easily accessible via a system of online catalogs that are organized by planetary disciplines. The PDS is evolving to include improved support for researchers. Current submissions receive persistent identifiers, DOIs, but older submissions might not have a registered DOI. The team will register any dataset you need to cite for your paper. Send an email to Pds-operator@jpl.nasa.gov and/or visiting their page on citing data. Note, the data should be cited separately instead of the analyst notebook used for exploring and accessing the data. Link(s): <a href='Pds-operator@jpl.nasa.gov'>Contact</a>, <a href='https://pds.nasa.gov/datastandards/citing/'>Citing Data</a>. Nodes: <a href='https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/'>Geosciences</a> / <a href='https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/dataserv/doi.htm'>DOIs</a> / <a href='https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/holdings/IMG_PDS3_initial_DOIs_Joined_Oct.2020.xlsx'>XLSX of DOIs</a>, <a href='https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/'>Navigational & Ancillary Information Facility</a>, <a href='https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/'>Planetary Plasma Interactions</a>, <a href='https://pds-atmospheres.nmsu.edu/'>Atmospheres</a>, <a href='https://pds-rings.seti.org/'>Ring-Moon Systems</a>, <a href='https://pds-smallbodies.astro.umd.edu/'>Small Bodies</a>, <a href='https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/'>Cartography and Imaging Sciences</a>. PDS DOIs: <a href='https://commons.datacite.org/doi.org?query=%22Planetary+Data+System%22&resource-type=dataset'>DataCite Search."
category: Planetary Data System Repositories
journal: JGR Planets
- name: NASA Exoplanet Archive
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010524
url: https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/
notes: "The NASA Exoplanet Archive collects and serves public data to support the search for and characterization of extra-solar planets (exoplanets) and their host stars. The data include published light curves, images, spectra and parameters, and time-series data from surveys that aim to discover transiting exoplanets. Tools are provided to work with the data, particularly the display and analysis of transit data sets from Kepler and CoRoT. All data are validated by the Exoplanet Archive science staff and traced to their sources. The Exoplanet Archive is the U.S. data portal for the CoRoT mission."
category: Exoplanetary Data
journal: JGR Planets
- name: The Petrological Database (PetDB)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100011235
url: https://search.earthchem.org/
notes: "PetDB, the Petrological Database, is a web-based data management system that provides on-line access to geochemical and petrological data. PetDB is a global synthesis of chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical data for rocks, minerals, and melt inclusions. PetDB's current content focuses on data for igneous and metamorphic rocks from the ocean floor, specifically mid-ocean ridge basalts and abyssal peridotites and xenolith samples from the Earth's mantle and lower crust. PetDB is maintained and continuously updated as part of the EarthChem data collections."
category: Geochemical and Petrological Data
journal: JGR Planets
- name: 4TU.Centre for Research Data
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010216
url: https://data.4tu.nl/info/en/
notes: "4TU.ResearchData, previously known as 3TU.Datacentrum, is an archive for research data. It offers the knowledge, experience and the tools to share and safely store scientific research data in a standardized, secure and well-documented manner. 4TU.Centre for Research Data provides the research community with: Advice and support on data management; A long-term archive for scientific research data; Support for current research projects; Tools for reusing research data.
4TU.ResearchData is certified with the Data Seal of Approval."
category: Science, Engineering, Design Data
journal: JGR Planets
- repository-group: Space Weather
- name: Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)
re3data-url: https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010168
url: https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/
notes: "The Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) leads in the design and implementation of unique multi-mission and multi-disciplinary data services and software to strategically advance NASA's solar-terrestrial program, to extend our science understanding of the structure, physics and dynamics of the Heliosphere of our Sun and to support the science missions of NASA's Heliophysics Great Observatory. Major SPDF efforts include multi-mission data services such as Heliophysics Data Portal (formerly VSPO), CDAWeb and CDAWeb Inside IDL,and OMNIWeb Plus (including COHOWeb, ATMOWeb, HelioWeb and CGM) , science planning and orbit services such as SSCWeb, data tools such as the CDF software and tools, and a range of other science and technology research efforts. The staff supporting SPDF includes scientists and information technology experts."
category: Heliophysics Data
journal: Space Weather