NPSC is a Matlab software library for online stream classification. It aims to provide flexible modeling, learning, and inference of general dependent nonparametric models for classifying stream data with non-stationary generating process to capture the concept drift occur in large volume of various stream data arising from social networks, financial trading, etc.
- Matlab version R2011a or later
- lightspeed
A coherent generative model for stream classification
The model manages its complexity by adapting the size of the latent space and the number of classifiers over time.
Handling concept drift by adapting data-concept association without unnecessary i.i.d. assumption among data of a batch
An online algorithm for inference on the non-conjugate non-parametric time-dependent models.
Unzip the lightspeed library and put it in the root folder of the project
Run the install script
Set the Dataset in the "Main" Script
Run the Main script
The results will be saved under the folder Results
In case of using the code, please cite the following paper:
Hosseini, S.A., Rabiee, H.R., Hafez, H. and Soltani-Farani, A., 2014, September. Classifying a Stream of Infinite Concepts: A Bayesian Non-parametric Approach. In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (pp. 1-16). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.