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Who's the biggest hipster ?

This is my implementation of the CaptainContrat jobs challenge 🎉
You can see instructions here:

Version in production

The website is live here:

A bit of history

When I started to learn to code in autumn 2018 I quickly discovered the gem Faker that made me terribly laughed. This website is kind of a tribute to the Faker::Hipster 📖


You can download the repo and then do:

bundle install

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What I've done

I advise you to try the website out before reading this section, in order to understand what I'm talking about !
I wanted to complete the four levels of the Captain Challenge and I had to take some design decisions in my code in order to do so.

Level 1: I had the idea to make hipsters fight since the beginning of the project, I wanted to make a separate home page to explain the concept of the game, it then came handy after several levels to add links to players and past games.
I clearly wanted to show it off to my friends so I did spend a little extra time on design comparing to what was required, in order to make it pleasant to navigate.

Level 2: In order to avoid imbalance between players I put some validations for the health points and attack damage. As they "talk" between each others, I couldn't make them with a lot of health points and powerful attack, otherwise there would have been too many lines and words, it would have been quite fastidious to read, hence the non-so-canonical number of health points and attack damage.
Users can create players and add profile pictures, I'd love that people use this site to create their hipster-version of self and make them fight (catharsis, you know ?)
A fun characteristic to add to players would be "Humble brags" with a bonus of 1 each, they would have a belongs_to relation to characters (characters having "has_many" humble brags, limited to a certain number), they could be created on the fly on the profile page of the characters.

Level 3: When I first completed this level, games were related to characters with a has_many through fightings relationship. I added the gem simple_form which dealt with the has_many relationships pretty neatly, letting me create a game with two players associated with an unique form. I changed this when I arrived in level 4 (I'll explain why down below) but I let the branch fightings open with this implementation just in case (and to show you my original intent).
I made a simple turn-based game, each player attacking the other turn by turn. As a big fan of turn-based games, I think the fun in these is the strategic choices you make between each turns, as you only "assist" to fights here and don't make choice I didn't go for something complicated.
When I was polishing my code I received a Newsletter with an article about service objects in RoR, I started to wonder if my game class didn't know too mush of other classes in its method fight and it's indeed call in the controller like a Service Object would but I didn't dig into this...
I also realise that my turn class is quite hungy in queries, I wanted to display the remaining points of each character at the beginning of the turn, there's probably a way to do it in a single update.

Level 4: With what I made in level 3, I could add players but I didn't know how to assign them with weapons, because I couldn't "tag" the players in my form. I decided then to add directly the foreign_keys to games for both players and their weapons. It has obvisouly a cost because I could finish the game like that but I don't think it can evolve a lot. If we want to add players or equipment to games, we have to directly add these as foreign_keys to the games . So I would say that I compromised in order to make the game work as it is required and because I don't want to make it change after that, but otherwise I would have spent more times in order to keep my first implementation with fightings.

Looking forward to discussing it with you !

Have a nice review 👀


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