Requirements: PHP 7.2
To improve performance, implement the recommendations from this guide
Git clone this project to your desired location
Download the required libraries by running
composer update
in the root of the project- This will also aid you in generating the
- If you are using a non oracle DB, remove the Oracle Specific service in the services.yml
- This will also aid you in generating the
Generate the database by running
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
Import all the included data by running
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Add the first administrator run:
php bin/console fos:user:create
This will give you a wizard to create the first user, Then promote that user to be an administrator
php bin/console fos:user:promote username ROLE_ADMIN
(optional) Set up a cron to automatically import unpublished conferences:
0 * * * * php /web/path/bin/console app:refresh > /dev/null
Ensure that the web server has write permissions to var/
Add vhost entry to your preferred webserver, (apache examples provided in vhosts/) n.b. Only expose mount the root of web/ folder do not mount the root of the project.
Originally developed by: Josh Peters (ANSTO) for IPAC'19