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Rui Molefas edited this page Sep 11, 2019 · 4 revisions

The pitch

The APISuite is a mesh of revamped features we have successfully implemented previously for the bank, but as a product. The motivation behind the API Suite lies in the growing need for Saas products to integrate with more and more parties to make use of their data and services. As partners grow, custom implementation and maintenance costs grow as well.

Saas companies have two options, either continue expanding their connectivity through custom integrations or invest in creating an environment that shifts the integration burden towards the third party itself. Very few Saas companies, definitely startup ranking ones, have the knowledge and are ready to make the necessary investment to build this themselves. Here lies the pickle.

Through our gathered knowledge of many successes and failures that were necessary to implement this environment in real life, we now aim to not only reproduce, but improve & expand on what we already did. This will of course be a lot more cost effective for companies. The APISuite is then, our first iteration on what has already been delivered, but in a better, leaner and future-ready way.

The short term, medium and long term vision are as follows:

Short term - The prototype

The first iteration of the API Suite will focus mostly on decoupling all the features from the Bank repos into our own, while at the same time, do some cleaning up and necessary optimisations. The goal is to have a first working prototype, on our end, with our code, that we can use to resell to the first customers.

It's expected, of course, that for each of these early adopting customers we will have to write "a lot" of custom code for the integration. What is important is that we get early customers in to try our solution and help us improve on it.

To achieve this, our "Step 0" is putting the features themselves on a demo page, as if we were an actual client, so clients can see what we are talking about and test it themselves.

Medium term - The maturity

As we get clients we will keep improving the reusability of the current solution. We will understand better and better what is part of the core and what can be decoupled, versioned, customisable, etc.

Slowly but surely we will move towards an agnostic solution working around a core base. This should enable us to serve more and more use cases (deploying on AWS, or using Kubernetes, or move away from Kong, etc).

Long term - The moonshot

A solution that requires no customisation.