Interpreter for the SKI combinator calculus
If you have the Haskell tool stack installed, you should be able to use
stack run
This will bring up the REPL.
Welcome to SKI!
please enter ':q' to quit
or eneter a valid SKI expression
Enter a SKI expression to reduce it to a simpler SKI expression.
The combinators are applied from left to right. Parentheses are only necessary where required to change the evaluation order, but permitted anywhere.
reuces to K
reduces to I
reduces to K
(the parentheses are not required here)
can be represented as K
can be represented as KI
a and b
can then be represented as a b false
which corresponds to a b KI
Let's validate this representation:
true and true
should be true
true and true
=> true true false
=> KK(KI)
=> K
=> true
true and false
should be false
true and false
=>true false false
=> KI
=> false
false and true
should be false
false and true
=>false true false
=> false
false and false
should be false
false and false
=> false false false
=> KI
=> false