This project contains a set of MASM macros allowing floating point arithmetic while assembling.
The goal was to implement a subset of the IEEE 754-2008 standard, as far as possible with MASM's preprocessor. The key features are:
- Arbitrary precision: multiples of 16: 16, 32, 48, 64, ... bits
- Correctly rounded arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root and fused multiply accumulate.
- Rounding modes:
- round to nearest, half to even (IEEE754 default mode)
- round to nearest, half away from zero
- round toward -∞ (round down)
- round toward +∞ (round up)
- round toward zero (truncate)
For more details please read the comment block at top of the file
There is an powerfull macro front-end (, which simplify the usage enormously, because it allows to enter mathematical expressions, as known from high level programming languages:
; evaluate some expression
ceval x = 123.456 * -2 ^ 4 * ( sqrt(2) + 1 )
echo_mreal ans
echo_mreal x
; test condition
IF ccond( x lt 0 || x gt 123 )
echo foo
; define const REAL8 value
someConst REAL8 cReal8( sqrt(2)/2 )
The following example shows the usage of the low level API (
; Default precision is 64 bit and the
; rounding mode is "to nearest, half to even"
MREAL x = 1, y = 10
MR_DIV r,x,y ; r = x/y
; output to build console
%echo MR_TO_UINT32(x)/MR_TO_UINT32(y) = MR_TO_IEEE_HEX_SEQ(r) = MR_TO_DECIMAL(r,2)
; convert r to REAL8
; define REAL10 value in current segment
MR_DECL_REAL10 foo2, r