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Alexandre Blanchet edited this page Feb 6, 2015 · 6 revisions

OpenDAS graphical user interface is divided in three parts :

  • "header" : menu buttons
  • "body" : body of the window
  • "footer" : cancellation tabs, pagination and validation of choices.

All the tabs of the header are connected to a sequence to be executed.

Glossary :

  • mask : Choice of the type of procedures to display in the header. Mask allows to parametrize procedures displayed in the station.It allows in addition to parametrize fonts, colors, aspects and buttons gradation of body, header and footer, as well as background colors, especially when the same station can be used for several masks. That can be useful when the same physical post is used by several teams in the day, the week or the month, example :
    • The morning check of receptions
    • Shippings in the afternoon
  • screen : data display mode

Add Shortcut to button's action:


Change sizes :

For main window :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

For panel elements :

<inputs> <!-- buttons, fields, ...-->

Graphical Overview

Selection of screen : List of generics

Generics List

Selection screen with parent :

Generics List with parent