####Permet de disable le monitoring d'un host zabbix.
####Allow to disable monitoring on a zabbix host
####You need:
yum install epel-release (necessary if you don't find the below packages)
yum install python
yum install python-pip
####Then install
pip install pyzabbix
./dupdate.py --url http://zabbix_url/ --user XXXX --password XXXXX --disable X --hostname XXXXXX
1 to disable - 0 to enable
####Permet de modifier l'ip du host dans zabbix
####Allow to change ip of an host in zabbix
####You need:
pyzabbix library like above
./intupdate.py --url http://zabbix_url/ --user XXXX --password XXXX --ip X.X.X.X --hostname XXXX