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executable file
400 lines (294 loc) · 9.19 KB

Neko Project II 0.86 kai rev.14

Nov 18, 2017

Build SDL2 port

1. Install SDL2.

$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev


(Windows + MSYS2)
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_ttf mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_mixer

2. Build.

$ cd NP2_SDL2/sdl2
$ make -j4 -f Makefile.unix


$ make -j4 -f Makefile21.unix

3. 'np2' or 'np21' binary is outputed in NP2kai/sdl2

BIOS files locate in same directory executable file.

Build X11 port

1. Install SDL2.

$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev

2. Build.

$ cd NP2kai/x11
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make


$ ./configure --enable-ia32
$ make -j4

3. 'np2' or 'np21' binary is outputed in NP2kai/x11

BIOS files locate in same directory executable file.

NP2 menu is opened when F11 key or mouse middle button.
NP2 menu can FDD/HDD swap.

Build libretro port (Linux)

1. Build.

$ cd NP2kai/sdl2
$ make -j4

2. '' binary is outputed in NP2kai/sdl2

Build libretro port (Windows)

1. Build by MSYS2 x86_64. (Reference follow URL)

$ cd NP2kai/sdl2
$ make -j4

2. 'np2kai_libretro.dll' binary is outputed in NP2kai/sdl2

Build libretro port (Mac) * No confirmation to drive

1. Open terminal.

2. First 'git' to install XCode.

$ git

3. Clone this repository

$ git clone

4. Build.

$ cd NP2kai/sdl2
$ make -j4

5. 'np2kai_libretro.dylib' binary is outputed in NP2kai/sdl2

Build with libretro-super * No confirmation to drive

1. Open terminal.

2. Clone libretro-super repository.

$ git clone --depth 1

3. CD to libretro-super, and clone this repository.

$ cd libretro-super
$ git clone --depth 1 libretro-np2kai

4. Build. (e.g. Android)

To build needs Android Studio, and NDK.

$ export PATH=~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle:$PATH
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./ np2kai

'' binary is outputed in libretro-np2kai/libs

4. Build. (e.g. iOS)

$ ./ np2kai

'np2kai_libretro_ios.dylib' binary is outputed in libretro-np2kai

about libretro port

BIOS files locate in "np2" directory at BIOS directory (configured by RetroArch).
Configure file (np2.cfg) is made in "np2" BIOS directory.

NP2 menu is opened when F12 key or mouse middle button or joypad L2 button.
NP2 menu can FDD/HDD swap.

Mouse is cuptured (hidden/show toggle) by F11 key.

Mouse cursor is able to move with joypad when Joy2Mouse mode.
Switch Joy2Mouse mode in config.
D-UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT: mouse move
B button: left click
A button: right click R button: inclease mouse speed

Keyboard is able to control with joypad when Joy2Key mode.
Switch Joy2Key mode in config.
D-UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT: Arrow key or Keypad(2468) key B button: Z key
A button: X key
X button: Space key
Y button: left Ctrl key
L button: Backspace key
R button: right Shift key
Select button: Escape key
Start button: Return key

If you use 104 western keyboard,
to input underscore(_), press Shift+right Ctrl.

BIOS files

  • bios.rom
  • FONT.ROM (big letter)
  • itf.rom
  • sound.rom
  • (bios9821.rom or d8000.rom But I never see good dump file.)
  • 2608_bd.wav
  • 2608_sd.wav
  • 2608_top.wav
  • 2608_hh.wav
  • 2608_tom.wav
  • 2608_rim.wav

Setting to RetroPie

1.Install Japanese font. (umefont need SDL2 port only)

$ sudo apt-get install fonts-droid fonts-horai-umefont

2.Locate libretro & SDL2 port files.

$ sudo mkdir /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-np2
$ sudo cp /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-np2/
$ sudo mkdir /opt/retropie/emulators/np2
$ sudo cp /opt/retropie/emulators/np2/
$ sudo touch /opt/retropie/emulators/np2/np2.cfg
$ sudo chmod 666 /opt/retropie/emulators/np2/np2.cfg

3.Write & locate retroarch.cfg.

$ sudo vi /opt/retropie/configs/pc98/retroarch.cfg

# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line

input_remapping_directory = "/opt/retropie/configs/pc98/"

#include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"

4.Locate BIOS files.

BIOS files locate in "˜/RetroPie/BIOS/np2/" directory.
and "/opt/retropie/emulators/np2/" too.

5.Make shortcut to Japanese font. (SDL2 port only)

$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/horai-umefont/ume-ugo4.ttf /opt/retropie/emulators/np2/default.ttf

6.Add "carbon-mod". (Japanese nize) $ git clone $ sudo cp -r ./es-theme-carbon /etc/emulationstation/themes/carbon-mod

7.Add to "/etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg" writing.

$ sudo nano /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg

    <extension>.d88 .88d .d98 .98d .fdi .xdf .hdm .dup .2hd .tfd .nfd .hd4 .hd5 .hd9 .fdd .h01 .hdb .ddb .dd6 .dcp .dcu .flp .bin .fim .D88 .88D .D98 .98D .FDI .XDF .HDM .DUP .2HD .TFD .NFD .HD4 .HD5 .HD9 .FDD .H01 .HDB .DDB .DD6 .DCP .DCU .FLP .BIN .FIM .thd .nhd .hdi .vhd .sln .hdn .hdd .THD .NHD .HDI .VHD .SLN .HDN .HDD</extension>
    <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ pc98 %ROM%</command>

8.Add to "/opt/retropie/configs/pc98/emulators.cfg" writing.

$ cd /opt/retropie/configs
$ sudo mkdir pc98
$ cd pc98
$ sudo nano emulators.cfg

np2="/opt/retropie/emulators/np2/np21 %ROM%"
lr-np2="/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-np2/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/pc98/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"

9.Launch ES and set "CARBON-MOD" to "THEME-SET".

Point of tuning performance NP2kai

  • CPU clock

Change "CPU Clock Multiplyer".

  • Memory size

Change "RAM Size".

  • Sound device

26K: for old games.
86: for newer games.

  • Sound Generator

fmgen: fmgen sound generator. Default: default sound generator.

Don't forget restart core.

  • How to set GDC 2.5MHz/5MHz?

1.Press End key(assigned Help key) + reset 2.Select 'ディップスイッチ2'(DIP switch 2)

  • How to key typing?

Unfortunery, libretro is unuseful for keytyping. Please use NP21/w.

  • How to use CD drive with MS-DOS 6.2?

Write follow to CONFIG.SYS.


And write follow to AUTOEXEC.BAT.


Then, you'll can use CD drive as Q drive.

About network

From rev.7 we can use network.

NIC is follow spec.



  • Dec 5, 2017
    • Default GDC clock is 2.5MHz
    • In Joy2Mousem, mouse speed up with R key
  • Nov 18, 2017
    • Merge NP21/w rev.37
  • Oct 26, 2017
    • Apply to 1.44MB FDD floppy image file
  • Oct 21, 2017 (rev.14)
    • Merge NP21/w rev.36
      • Mate-X PCM
      • Sound Blaster 16
      • OPL3 (MAME codes is GPL licence)
      • Auto IDE BIOS
  • Oct 16, 2017 (rev.13)
    • Refix BEEP PCM
  • Oct 2, 2017 (rev.13)
    • remove CDDA mod
  • Sep 20, 2017
    • [SDL2] Use SDL2 mixer
  • Sep 16, 2017
    • Add RaSCSI hdd image file support
  • Sep 14, 2017 (rev.12)
    • [libretro] (newest core binary is auto released by buildbot)
    • Fix triple fault case
  • Sep 7, 2017
    • Fix BEEP PCM
  • Aug 27, 2017 (rev.11)
    • Merge NP21/w rev.35 beta2
    • [libretro] state save/load
  • Aug 23, 2017 (rev.10)
    • Merge NP21/w rev.35 beta1
  • Aug 22, 2017
    • Merge 私家
      • AMD-98 Joyport
      • S98V3
      • Otomichanx2
      • V30 patch
      • VAEG fix
      • CSM voice
        Couldn't merged
      • LittleOrchestra
      • MultimediaOrchestra
      • WaveRec
    • Merge kaiE
      • force ROM to RAM
      • CDDA fix
      • Floppie fix
  • Aug 21, 2017
    • Apply libretro-super build
  • Aug 17, 2017 (rev.9)
    • Apply fmgen
  • Aug 3, 2017 (rev.8)
    • Apply HRTIMER
    • [libretro] input underscore(_) for western keyboard
    • [libretro] Add Joy2Key (thanks Tetsuya79)
  • Jul 24, 2017 (rev.7)
    • Apply network
  • Jul 18, 2017 (rev.6)
  • Jul 17, 2017
    • Apply HOSTDRV
    • [libretro] Add Joy2Mouse mode (switch at config menu)
  • Jul 4, 2017
    • rename to 'kai'
  • Jun 28, 2017
    • [libretro] Applicate to libretro port
  • Jun 21, 2017
    • [X11] Applicate to X11 port
  • Jun 20, 2017 (rev.6 beta)
    • [NP21] fix for VGA
  • Jun 19, 2017
    • [NP21] fix IA-32
    • more memory size available
  • Jun 18, 2017
    • more avilable FDD/HDD/CD-ROM image
    • [NP21] FPU (fpemul_dosbox.c is GPL licence, others is MIT licence)
  • Jun 12, 2017
    • COM
    • MIDI
    • IDE (can't use CD-ROM yet)
    • SDL_Keycode -> SDL_Scancode
    • Save BMP
    • State Save
  • Jun 4, 2017
    • [NP21] お察しください
  • Jun 1, 2017
    • First release
