AiCruit 1.0
1. Node.js on any OS
2. npm
1. Download the source code
2. Extract the downloaded folder
3. cd to the extracted folder
4. run command "npm install"
5. npm start
6. Open any latest browser and visit "localhost:3000/"
1. "localhost:3000/" : joinus form
2. "localhost:3000/dashboard" : admin panel
1. IBM Bluemix
2. Node.js
3. IBM Watson services: AlchemyAPI(keyword, sentiment), PersonalityInsights, Document Conversion, Trade Off widget
4. express
5. fs
6. jQuery
7. Bootstrape
8. d3.js and chart.js
AiCruit has several features such as :
1. Simple application form for candidatse with resume and recommendation letter upload.
2. Admin Dashboard with nice GUI.
3. Notifications.
4. To-Do list.
5. List of Registered Candidates.
6. Graph of candidate's personality reports.
7. Word cloud made up of Recommendation letter keywords.