This repository contains a PIP package which is a modified version of the CartPole-v0 OpenAI environment which includes cart & pole friction and random sensor & actuator noise.
Install OpenAI gym.
Then install this package via
git clone
cd gym-cartpolemod
sudo pip install -e .
Python usage:
import gym
import gym_cartpolemod
env = gym.make('CartPoleMod-v0')
Examples: Versions go from v0 through v6 for different noise scenarios
cd example_files
python v1
Some parameters for the cart-pole system:
- mass of the cart = 1.0
- mass of the pole = 0.1
- length of the pole = 0.5
- magnitude of the force = 10.0
- friction at the cart = 5e-4
- friction at the pole = 2e-6
Noise cases(v0 to v6):
- v0: Noise free
- v1: 5% Uniform Actuator noise
- v2: 10% Uniform Actuator noise
- v3: 5% Uniform Sensor noise
- v4: 10% Uniform Sensor noise
- v5: 0.1 var Gaussian Sensor noise
- v6: 0.2 var Gaussian Sensor noise
Note: The sensor noise is added to the angle, theta alone, and the actuator noise is added to the force.
Some Neural network parameters:
- Discount rate : gamma = 0.95
- Exploration rate : epsilon = 1.0
- Exploration decay : 90%
- Learning rate : 0.01
- NN Input layer : 24 neurons, tanh activation function
- NN Hidden layer : 48 neurons, tanh activation function
- NN Output layer : 2 neurons, linear activation function
- MSE loss function with Adam Optimizer
- Seed : None (Both in deepQNetwork and cartpolemod_env)
Note: To give a seed, uncomment line# 17 in deepQNetwork and change line# 76 in cartpole_mod to the desired seed value.
- 1 run : 1000 trials
- 1 trials : 60,000 time-steps
- 1 time step : 0.02s
- Success rate : successful runs for 100 runs
- Successful trial: System lasts 60k time steps without failing
- Successful run : Atleast one successful trial in 1000 trials
- Average trials : Mean trials to successful trial over 100 runs
- Execution time : Approximate average time of execution for 100 runs
CartpoleMod Version | Noise type | Success rate | Average trials | Execution time |
v0 | Noise free | 100% | 119.68 | ~ 4.5 hours |
v1 | 5% Uniform Actuator Noise | 100% | 118.88 | ~ 4.5 hours |
v2 | 10% Uniform Actuator Noise | 100% | 130.47 | ~ 4.5 hours |
v3 | 5% Uniform Sensor Noise | 100% | 123.93 | ~ 5.5 hours |
v4 | 10% Uniform Sensor Noise | 100% | 133.67 | ~ 5.5 hours |
v5 | σ^2 = 0.1 Gaussian Sensor Noise | 100% | 179.36 | ~ 6.5 hours |
v6 | σ^2 = 0.2 Gaussian Sensor Noise | 98% | 209.59 | ~ 8 hours |
- Aaditya Ravindran
- Apoorva Sonavani
- Rohith Krishna Gopi
This was created as a part of Prof. Jennie Si's class on Artificial Neural Computation (Fall 2017) at Arizona State University
Special thanks to MartinThoma, Kevin Frans, and keon