robotcraft2017_patrol package for ROS Kinetic Kame
Author: David Portugal, Ingeniarius Ltd.
This package contains the basic framework to run a multi-robot patrolling experiment using the Stage Simulator and ROS.
This is part of the ROS course of RobotCraft, class of 2017.
Robotcrafters, please inspect and modify the patrolbot.cpp source file (in the "src" folder) to program your own robots' behavior.
To start up the framework, please do:
roslaunch robotcraft2017_patrol robotcraft2017.launch
And in a separate terminal, run the example (3 robots at the same time):
roslaunch robotcraft2017_patrol start_robots.launch
Instead of launching all robots together (last command), you may test each robot's behavior in a separate terminal:
rosrun robotcraft2017_patrol patrolbot robot_id:=0
rosrun robotcraft2017_patrol patrolbot robot_id:=1
rosrun robotcraft2017_patrol patrolbot robot_id:=2
Please find detailed installation instructions HERE.