- Here I have developed a single-page application featuring a map of neighborhood
- index.html file is used to open this app.
- js folder contains app.js that has used to Design MVVM pattern,to create Knockout framework, and handling ajax request.
- js folder must contain jquery.min.js that has used to ajax request and knockout-3.4.2.js used to MVVM pattern.
- Google map loaded from Maps API.
- App display the locations by default when the page is loaded.
- Clicking a marker on the map open the information window (infowindow) about the location.
- Clicking a name in the list View open the information window(infowindow) for the asoociated marker.
- The list of locations can be filterable with a text input.Filtering the list also filters the markers on the map.
- Added functionality using third-party APIs to provide information when a map marker or list view entry is clicked. (location name,location address & location city)
App visit is here https://aarthyravi.github.io/neighborhood/
Download the Knockout framework.
Knockout used to handle the list, filter.
I have implemented (FourSquare API) third-party APIs that provide additional information about each of these locations.
var foursquareUrl = "https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?query="
+ marker.title +'&ll=' + marker.position.lat() + ',' +marker.position.lng()+
An Error message is displayed notifying the user that the data can't be loaded,
var foursquareRequestTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
window.alert("Failed to get Foursquare resources");
}, 8000);
function errorHandling() {
alert("Google Maps has failed to load. Please check your internet connection and try again.");