The initial intent of this project was to create a session base IDE (I am currently working on the terminal which will be intergrated ) that allows teachers to create a session (they can upload a pdf file) for exams instead of writing code on a paper, students will have to join a session with the session id generated by the teacher when creating the session, after a successful connection they will be directed to the main page, just like in the image below 👇, they would be automatically disconnected if thier mouse leaves the page or if they change the window(They will be notified when the mouse is about to leave the page).
Download the repo 🆙
Install and use the correct version of Node using NVM (
The .nvmrc file precise the exact node version used
)nvm install
Install dependencies from the directory path
npm install
Create your
file, copy the.env.example
with your configSince i am using Firebase for the authentication and database, you will need to create an app on Firebase and copy your App Firebase API key etc
Start the development server
npm run dev
Generate a full static production build
npm run build
Preview the site as it will appear once deployed
npm run start