First, download the code above on the Code
button, or you can also copy the above using the clone command as follows :
git clone
Second, install the packages needed to run the program via the following command :
npm install
you can also install using another package manager according to your use
Third, run the following command to running the program :
npm run start
After running, open postman and import as shown above on all files in the Bookshelf API Test
folder. If all the files have been imported, the postman display will look like this :
Next, change the environments in the Bookshelf API Test
as shown above. So that the Bookshelf API Test
environment has a checklist as shown below.
Next, you can try one of the tests as shown above. If the method you did above is correct, the results will appear like box number 3.
You can test all tests in the collection by pressing Bookshelf API Test
as in box number 1, then pressing the Run
button in box number 2. Next, press the Run Bookshelf API
Test button as shown below.
After the run is complete, the results of all tests will appear as shown below.