This is a resync tool made for srt files. The binaries are avialable in the ''Excutables'' directory and the source code for linux development is made available.
I plan to keep the code updated and add more features later and reach an identical interface and probably identical source code.
The code was mainly developed for linux, then I decided to compile it on windows, but due to filesystem differences and problems with windows multithreading, I had to simplify the code on windows.
It still works as expected, just follow the guide and you'll have your subtitles resynced in no time.
A file with the name Resynced_ followd by the name of the original file will be created in the directory where the original file resides.
Just download the file found in Excutables/Linux_64/SrtTimeShifter, then ./ the file.
For, example:
./my super useful tools/SrtTimeShifter
Open the file found in Excutables/Windows_32/Srt-Resync-Tool.exe.
Super Important note for windows users: when inserting the directory of the srt file, take care not to use the backward slash " \ " between directories, insted use the foward slash character denoted as " / "
For, example:
E:/my favourite movies/definetly not an Avengers movie/definetly not an Avengers