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Haplotype-aware de novo genome assembly for polyploid organisms from long read data


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PHASM: Haplotype-aware de novo genome assembly for polyploid organisms

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PHASM is a long read de novo genome assembler that phases variants among chromosome homologues during the assembly process, and aims to output separate contigs for each haplotype. The main idea in PHASM is to build bubble chains: consecutive "superbubbles" chained together. While most traditional genome assemblers pop these superbubbles by only keeping the best supported path, PHASM finds k paths through this chain of superbubbles that best represent each haplotype.

This program has been created as part of my master thesis project. For now, it has only been tested with error free data.


  • Python >= 3.5
  • NumPy >= 1.11
  • SciPy >= 0.16
  • NetworkX >= 1.9, NetworkX >= 2.0 not supported
  • dinopy >= 2.0
  • pybind11 >= 1.7
  • (tests) pytest
  • A C++ compiler that supports the C++14 standard


PHASM is not on PyPI yet, so for now you'll have to clone this repository and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Related Repositories

  • aneusim: a tool to generate synthetic aneuploid/polyploid genomes
  • phasm-benchmarks: a complete snakemake pipeline that starts with finding pairwise local alignments between reads using DALIGNER, and ends with an assembled polyploid genome.



The PHASM pipeline consists of four main stages:

  1. Overlapper
  2. Assembly graph construction
  3. Bubblechain identification
  4. Phasing

PHASM pipeline overview


PHASM uses 3 main "file types":

  • Reads FASTA file
  • Pairwise overlap GFA2 file
    • This file contains all pairwise overlaps between reads. Individual reads are denoted as segments, the overlaps as edges. Note that this file does not contain an assembly graph, it merely contains pairwise overlaps.
  • Assembly graph GFA2 file
    • A file of this type contains an assembly graph. Although this is also a GFA2 file, it contains different data than the previous file type. In this file segments are nodes in the assembly graph, and edges are indeed edges in the assembly graph.
    • Nodes in the assembly graph do not necessarily correspond to a single read. If a node is built from multiple reads, then the involved reads will be denoted on fragment lines.
    • PHASM uses this file type for both the complete assembly graph and each individual bubble chain.

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Logging Output

PHASM logs messages describing its current state to standard error. Its verboseness can be controlled using the -v switch, and this works for any of the commands described below. PHASM has three verboseness levels. Please note that the -v switch needs to be set before any of the subcommands.


phasm overlap ...  # No logging
phasm -v layout ...  # Verboseness level 1
phasm -vv layout ..  # Verboseness level 2

phasm overlap - Overlapper

usage: phasm overlap [-h] [-l MIN_LENGTH] [-o OUTPUT] fasta_input

positional arguments:
  fasta_input           The fasta file with reads.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l MIN_LENGTH, --min-length MIN_LENGTH
                        The minimum overlap length between two reads (default:
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output file. Defaults to standard output.

This command finds pairwise overlaps between reads in the given FASTA file. You can specify a minimum length for each overlap. The output is a pairwise overlap GFA2 file.

phasm layout - Assembly graph construction

usage: phasm layout [-h] [-l LENGTH] [-s LENGTH] [-a LENGTH] [-r FRACTION]
                    [-t NUM] [-T MAX_TIP_LENGTH_BASES] [-F LENGTH] [-g {1,2}]
                    [-o FILE] [-M JSON_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Alignment and read filtering:
  -l LENGTH, --min-read-length LENGTH
                        Filter reads smaller than the given length (default:
  -s LENGTH, --min-overlap-length LENGTH
                        Minimum length of the overlap between two reads,
                        otherwise this alignment is ignored. Default is
                        disabled, because it's something that's usually
                        handled by your overlapper.
  -a LENGTH, --max-overhang-abs LENGTH
                        Max absolute overhang length (default: 1000).
  -r FRACTION, --max-overhang-rel FRACTION
                        Max overhang length as fraction of the overlap length
                        (default: 0.8).

Graph cleaning:
  -t NUM, --max-tip-length NUM
                        Maximum number of edges of a path to be called a tip
                        (default: 4).
  -T MAX_TIP_LENGTH_BASES, --max-tip-length-bases MAX_TIP_LENGTH_BASES
                        The maximum length (in bases instead of edges) of a
                        tip (default 5000).
  -F LENGTH, --length-fuzz LENGTH
                        Transitive reduction length fuzz parameter (default:
                        1000). See Myers (2005).

  -g {1,2}, --gfa-version {1,2}
                        Which GFA version to use when writing a graph to a GFA
                        file (default GFA2).
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        Output file (default stdout). If a filename is given,
                        it checks the file extension for output type.
                        Supported file extensions are 'graphml' and 'gfa'.
                        This option can be used multiple times to write
                        multiple files.
  -M JSON_FILE, --metadata JSON_FILE
                        Output a bit of debug data to the given JSON file.
                        Optional. This will increase memory usage when
  gfa_file              Input GFA2 file with all pairwise local alignments.

This commands creates the complete assembly graph from your pairwise overlaps. The only input file is the GFA2 file created with phasm overlap. The assembly graph construction is very similar to miniasm, so for more in depth explanation of above parameters please read that paper.

This command can generate multiple output files. By specifying -o multiple times on the command line, it will generate multiple files. It will check the file extension to determine what kind of file to write. PHASM can write GraphML files (useful for visualising in Cytoscape) and GFA(2) files. It is not possible to write both GFA1 and GFA2 at the same time.

External Links

phasm chain - Identify bubble chains

usage: phasm chain [-h] [-l MIN_LENGTH] [-f FORMAT] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] 

positional arguments:
  graph_gfa             The assembly graph in GFA2 format. Other graph formats
                        are not supported. Note that this is a different file
                        than the GFA2 file with pairwise local alignments.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l MIN_LENGTH, --min-length MIN_LENGTH
                        Some paths in the assembly graph are not part of a
                        bubble chain, PHASM will not try to phase these paths
                        but outputs them as 'normal' contigs. With this flag
                        you can specify the minimum length of a contig to be
                        included (default: 5000).
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Comma separated list of output formats. Supported:
                        gfa1, gfa2, graphml (default: only GFA2). If multiple
                        formats given, each bubble chain will get a file in
                        each specified format. This allows you for example to
                        both write GFA2 and GraphML files at the same time.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory. If the directory does not exist, it
                        will be created. All identified bubble chains will be
                        written to a separate file in this directory.

This command identifies bubble chains in the given assembly graph. Each bubble chain (which is a subgraph of the original assembly graph), will be written to its own GFA2 file. By default it only outputs GFA2 files, but it is possible to write files in GraphML too using the -f switch.

Besides bubble chains, this command also identifies unambiguous linear paths in the assembly graph not part of a bubble chain and outputs these as "normal contigs". The minimum length of such path can be specified using -l.

phasm phase - Bubble chain phasing

usage: phasm phase [-h] -p PLOIDY [-s MIN_SPANNING_READS] [-b 
                   [-t THRESHOLD] [-d PRUNE_FACTOR] [-c MAX_CANDIDATES]
                   [-r MAX_PRUNE_ROUNDS] [-S PRUNE_STEP_SIZE] [-D DEBUG_DATA]
                   [-o OUTPUT]
                   reads_fasta alignments_gfa subgraphs [subgraphs ...]

positional arguments:
  reads_fasta           The FASTA file with all your reads. A FASTA index file
                        should be present.
  alignments_gfa        The GFA2 file with all pairwise local alignments (used
                        to create the initial assembly graph). This is a
                        different file than your bubblechain GFA2 file.
  subgraphs             The bubblechain/contig graph GFA2 file(s). If given
                        multiple files, these files will be processed
                        sequentially, but the DNA sequences will be written to
                        the same file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PLOIDY, --ploidy PLOIDY
                        The ploidy level.
  -s MIN_SPANNING_READS, --min-spanning-reads MIN_SPANNING_READS
                        If there re less spanning reads between two bubbles
                        than the given number then PHASM will start a new
  -b MAX_BUBBLE_SIZE, --max-bubble-size MAX_BUBBLE_SIZE
                        The maximum number of simple paths through a bubble.
                        If a bubble contains more paths from its entrance to
                        exit than the given number, it is considered too big,
                        and a new haploblock will be created. The bubble
                        itself will be phased on its own and not in
                        conjunction with other bubbles. Especially for larger
                        ploidies you may want to lower this number a bit, as
                        the number of k-tuples is p^k, where p is the number
                        of paths. Default value is 10.
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        The minimum relative likelihood of a candidate
                        haplotype set to be considered for any following
                        bubbles (default: 1e-3).
  -d PRUNE_FACTOR, --prune-factor PRUNE_FACTOR
                        Any candidate haplotype set with a relative likelihood
                        lower than the given prune factor times the top
                        scoring candidate will be pruned (default: 0.1).
  -c MAX_CANDIDATES, --max-candidates MAX_CANDIDATES
                        At each bubble, limit the number of candidate
                        haplotype sets. If there more candidates than the
                        given number even after an initial pruning step, we
                        increasingly prune more stringest another time, until
                        the number of candidates falls below the given number
                        (default 500). The maximum number of pruning rounds
                        can be specified with the option '-r'.
  -r MAX_PRUNE_ROUNDS, --max-prune-rounds MAX_PRUNE_ROUNDS
                        Maximum number of pruning rounds if the number of
                        candidate haplotype sets is to high (default: 9).
  -S PRUNE_STEP_SIZE, --prune-step-size PRUNE_STEP_SIZE
                        With each pruning round, increase the prune factor
                        with the given number (default: 0.1).
  -D DEBUG_DATA, --debug-data DEBUG_DATA
                        Output another file containing loads of debug data
                        produced during the phasing process (optional).
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file (default: stdout).

This command performs the actual phasing. It requires three input files: the FASTA file with reads, the pairwise overlaps file (created using phasm overlap), and the bubble chain GFA2 file. The reads FASTA file should have an accompanying index file (created using samtools faidx).

My master thesis describes the phasing algorithm in more detail.


Haplotype-aware de novo genome assembly for polyploid organisms from long read data







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