A MERN stack project-website created to allow people to check their stats, see the latest news and see upcoming tournaments on multiple games.
Clone down this repository. You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Start Server:
npm start
in server directory
To Start Client:
npm install
in client directory
To Visit App:
I created this as a side project to learn fullstack development. I aimed to build a website which would place the functionality of many sites I use into one domain. This mainly being checking stats, checking upcoming tournaments, seeing the latest news and a place to discuss all things video-game related.
This project was quite challenging as I was essentially juggling learning React and Node all in the process of making this project.I struggled for a while to grasp the concept of React.js state and the idea of passing functions/state down components. This was significant learning curve.
I used React.js, Node.js and Express.js to create this project. I chose to use create-react-app, as it would save a lot of time with getting the project up and
running. Better to get stuck in learning the new technology. However, in the future I plan to setup my own webpack.config.js
file to better understand the build