A testing framework on top of Appium, designed to be the icing on the cake.
Malta is designed to help automation testers focus more on their test cases than ever before. All the configurations are taken care of by Malta.
Malta also provides with utility methods to reduce writing cubersome code(Currently only few such methods are provided but in time we will cook some more).
Malta is built on top of Appium which is a popular automation testing tool used to test mobile apps. The core files are few pieces of code which help the tester in writing test cases and plans. The tester sets all the configs in an XML file and Malta picks it up perfectly. Malta also provides logging capabilities using log4j incase you want to fetch the device logs straight out of logcat. Malta can filter these logs based on the tagname provided in the logs.Furthermore the plan can be deployed as a stanalone Jar using maven and can run on any platform.
We have provided with few example test cases so that you guys can get familiar with Malta.
I hope people find it useful and contribute to the development of this project.
With ❤ from Us