The application that reads the Lucene Index and can perform search operations on the index.
User can provide a search term and the application will return document hits based on the indexed documents. The results in this case are the names of the matched document.
- Index location
- Search term
- Names of the document with the search term.
Types of search terms supported:
- Simple term search,
- Proximity searches
e.g. "term1 term2"~10
Searches for term1 and term2 within atmost 10 word distance with each other,
- Wildcard searches
e.g. ter* searches for anything beginning with ter,
*ter searches for anything ending with ter respectively
- Phrase search
e.g. "This is a phrase"
Searches for "This is a phrase" exactly
- Lucene version 7.4.0 (Indexes created from older versions are also supported)
- Java version 10 (Backward Compatible)