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Repository files navigation


Many regular expressions python search engine

File Engine/

Code to run two regular expressions together

    engine = Engine()
    engine.dRegEx["RegExWord"] = RegExWord()
    engine.dRegEx["RegExApostrophe"] = RegExApostroph()
    engine.sFile = ''

Create Engine

Add regular expression class RegExWord

Add regular expression class RegExApostroph

Specify file to search

Run engine

Command output:

"C:\Program Files\Python38\python.exe" C:/Work/RegEx/
<re.Match object; span=(106, 107), match=b"'">
<re.Match object; span=(107, 116), match=b'Something'>
<re.Match object; span=(116, 117), match=b"'">

Process finished with exit code 0

File Engine/

Regular expression class

class RegExWord(RegEx):
    def __init__(self):
        recomp = re.compile(regEx)
        super().__init__(regEx, recomp)

    def hit(self, engine):

Class inherited from RegEx class

__init__ specifies regular expression

hit is executed, when regular expression is found

File Engine/

Searches in file sFile occurences of regular expressions dRegEx

Folder Terraform

More complex regular expression searches in Oracle Cloud (OCI) exported file

File Terraform/

Contains found Terraform resources dItems

File Terraform/

Class for Terraform resource item with found id, type, dRefItemIds

Folder OSB

Searches Oracle Service Bus (OSB) jms queues, their reading proxies and writing business services