Author: Sebastien Alaiwan
This is a demo of a platform-independent C++17 first-person exploration game. It uses SDL2, and modern OpenGL.
bin: output directory for architecture-specific executable binaries.
res: output directory for generated game resources (e.g. sounds, music, sprites, tilesets).
assets: source files for game resources.
src: source files for the game logic (agnostic to the engine implementation).
engine/src: I/O code (=engine), mostly game-agnostic.
engine/include: interfaces for communication between the game logic and the I/O code. Also contains shared low-level utilities (e.g Vector2f, Span, etc.).
./check: main check script. Call this to build linux+windows versions and to launch the unit tests.
To generate the game data from the committed asset files, you will need:
* ffmpeg
* gimp
* blender
* libsdl2-dev
It can be compiled to native code using your native compiler (gcc or clang):
$ make
The binaries will be generated to a 'bin' directory (This can be overriden using the BIN makefile variable).
$ bin/rel/game.exe