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Project Meeting 2020.07.24

Ben Stabler edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 14 revisions

Task 1 Project Management (milestone)

  • Revised the structure of this wiki based on Alex's comments
    • I made a couple updates based on the meeting comments so it is now ready for review
    • Keep Governance page as is for now and review/revise when we setup the website
  • Phase 6a scope being processed by AMPO
  • Updating docs for #325
    • Planning to finish next week for team review
    • Will focus on documentation for multi zone systems after that, while Jeff works on code
  • SEMCOG team (Joel and others) invited for a later meeting
  • Meeting being moved to Thursdays at 9 am
  • Concern that the Phase 5b scope is behind schedule
    • Let's keep the pressure on for end of August
    • It may slip a bit, but we can work into September and will make sure to incorporate feedback from the team
    • Next week let's inventory the Phase 5b work for completion

Task 2 Strategic Planning (milestone)

  • Draft strategic development and contribution plan here for review and discussion
  • Team review next week and let's plan to discuss on next call

Task 3 Two Zones (milestone)

  • Need to work on documentation

Task 10 Support for Three Zone Systems and TVPB (milestone)

  • No work this week, but still a lot to get done
  • We discussed how to develop a more useful example for testing
    • The current idea looks something like:
    • Run example_mtc (tm1) activitysim up to tour mode choice
    • Then assign tours from TM1 TAZs to TM2 TAZs and MAZs
    • Then read the TM2 network LOS data (skims and other files)
    • Then revise the tour mode choice expression file (first only for transit and then maybe other modes depending on LOE) and create the needed TVPB expression files
    • Then restart at tour mode choice
    • The compare utilities, results and performance (with an understanding that utilities and results will be different but hopefully similar enough)
    • This seems better than using SANDAG since the population and network LOS between TM1 TAZs and TM2 TAZs and MAZs should be similar
    • We're going to noodle on this idea some more and discuss / draft a plan next week
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