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Project Meeting 2021.07.13

Ben Stabler edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 4 revisions


  • Discussed vehicle type model design
    • Plan to use NHTS national data set to get enough diversity in the data
    • For each vehicle, a main HH driver, a body type, a fuel type, and a vehicle age
    • PB designed a vehicle type model by body type and fuel type for ARC that we should review
    • Could be implemented as a new vehicle table or as additional columns on the HH table
    • Vehicle allocation model before tour mode choice to assign a HH vehicle to each tour
    • No CAVs at this point, but is a flexible framework for later inclusion
    • Keep auto ownership separate from vehicle type choice since its a more modular design
    • EV share twice in CA compared to national
    • Next steps
      • Are we ok to proceed with NHTS?
      • Any feedback on our options for model structure?
      • Do we anticipate applying scenarios where the constants might be different for future years than for the base year?
      • Get comments in within the next week or so
      • We'll post the design into a Google Doc for comment
  • Please get your viz questions posted
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