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Project Meeting 2021.09.23

Ben Stabler edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 7 revisions


  • Admin
    • AMPO Data and Tools Roadshow session went well; 40+ participants
      • We'll follow-up with a few interested agencies
      • Urbansim has a nice UI and the manta DTA package is interesting
    • Joe working on the AMPO conference session
      • Thinking of having each interested agency co-present a couple slides on their project
    • On Monday another MPO will join the project
    • Partners only discussion after this to finalize phase 7 scoping
  • SANDAG pull request and review, #484
    • Clint reviewed the PR and has several suggestions; overall looks good
    • Validation notebook looks great
    • RSG to work on the little stuff - the documentation, some clean-up, etc.
    • Things to continue to discuss - the tour OD choice model, the fact that it only works for 2 and 3 zone systems, and revisions to tour mode choice to be able to call trip mode choice
    • Tour OD choice model could be useful for internal/external models, airport models, visitor models
    • Lots of discussion around should the tour OD choice model need to work for 1, 2, and 3 zone systems before getting accepted into the code
    • Does consortium fund taking this new feature over the finish line or is it the requirement of the project?
    • How much coordination is required when writing the RFP for the new feature between the agency and the consortium?
    • Is multizone system compatibility a requirement? How about estimation mode?
    • Can we just clearly note this submodel only works for 2 and 3 zone systems for now?
    • We don't want to hold this PR for too long or it becomes a real pain to integrate it later once more differences exist
    • We would need a legitimate 1 zone example for testing tour od choice. Who wants to build and maintain that?
    • @Bench to summarize PR options for discussion with consortium
    • I'll share the tour OD choice model in more detail on Tuesday
    • Jeff Newman share Airspeed velocity on Tuesday as well
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