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Project Meeting 2021.04.13

Ben Stabler edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 14 revisions

Technical Meeting

  • Issues review
  • Discuss updated transit pass ownership model
    • Joel reviewed the bay area data
    • Clipper card is not really a pass so can we remove it?
    • How does each type of pass relate to the fare discount per trip?
    • Average subsidized fare is about 50% but this is very region specific
    • Revised model alternatives - subsidized pass, not subsidized pass, no pass
    • In application, the pass would be segmented by markets and each can have a separate fare discount amount
    • Can we try to figure out what they actually paid in the data for each trip? / figure out the discount
    • Maybe the outcome isn't discrete....can we make it continuous?
    • There's a lot of variety in this topic across regions and within and the data is incomplete
    • The HH survey is not enough data granularity
    • ARC OBS has many many pass types
    • What is the out of pocket cost for each actual trip? It's difficult to say
    • How to calculate the discount, that's the key
    • SEMCOG doesn't have the data to reestimate this model
    • Next steps, reestimate without Clipper card
    • Iterate on design with team, post design into a Google doc
    • Hold on implementation for now
    • Model will influence auto ownership and mode choice
  • Release just about ready to go, still need to document pre-sampling feature and settings file inheritance, #411
  • Task 7 usability issues plan:
    • Improve RAM/chunking settings, #406
      • Switch from chunk_size parameter to available_memory parameter (say 56GB) and let ActivitySim figure out the appropriate chunk_size given the number of processors specified
    • Print info about no alternative found, #404
    • Turn off restarting if desired, #405
  • Discuss ActivitySim related presentations at the TRB Planning Applications and/or AMPO Annual conference?
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