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Project Meeting 2020.10.29

Ben Stabler edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 6 revisions

5b/6a Task 1 Project Management (milestone)

  • Working to wrap up 5b
  • Budget basically spent but RSG is committed to delivering the scope
  • 6a just getting started
  • We have an email NTP; I'll check on the status of the contract amendment

5b Task 2 Strategic Planning (milestone)

  • Partners discussed and @Joe to propose some revisions
  • The document is a living doc so we'll continue to work on it over time

5b Task 10 Support for Three Zone Systems and TVPB (milestone)

  • Jeff working on caching strategies
  • Jeff checked in latest examples so I'm going to start on QA/QC/verification
  • My plan is to:
      1. make sure it runs for me and all the settings/inputs make sense
      1. do some simple test runs, trace results, visually check results for reasonable transit paths
      1. do a full run and check results against Marin TM2
  • Can we compare detailed logging between the two setups?
  • Results will be a little different, but the general distributions - taps chosen, mode share, district-to-district flows, etc. should be similar
  • Let's be clear eyed about adding new dependencies
  • Unlike ct-ramp, which does generic calculations and then individual level calculations, we're instead just doing all calculations for a user defined set of market segments for consistency and ease-of-use
  • Questions remain about how/when to pre-compute versus on-demand/cache and we're still working toward doing full runs to help us answer these questions
  • More task design would have been good
  • Let's make sure the documentation includes:
    • highlights all the heuristics, assumptions, etc.
    • Gives good guidance to new users to avoid frustration
    • Assumptions around network coding requirements
  • Also include a discussion of the tradeoffs and benefits:
    • more accurate transit walk times
    • station choice / capacity restraint for BART
    • multipath transit routing to better consider tradeoffs of walking time versus ride time
    • basically maz to maz transit assignment
    • greater level of spatial detail / precision for integration with land use modeling
    • slower but worth it in some cases and hopefully will get faster over time through improvements
  • Once software in place, we could actually do a comparison of with and without, assuming we build two data sets as well

6a Task 2 Complete Estimation Mode (milestone)

  • Newman starting on non-mandatory tour frequency EDB larch reader

6a Task 3 Telecommute Model in Cooperation with SEMCOG (milestone)

  • Joel started on the design based on what was done for SANDAG
  • Mobility model that predicts days per week typically telecommute
  • Based on SEMCOG's 2018 data
  • Still need to work on considerations related to telecommuting under COVID
  • Plans to talk with Jilan this week and then the ActivitySim team next week
  • @Wu/@Joel share SANDAG work ahead of time for background reading

6a Task 8 Maintenance and Support (milestone)

  • Helping BYU a little with their implementation
  • BYU, Berkeley, and Toledo are getting hands-on experience so let's get some feedback from them
  • @Joe to reach out and schedule a discussion at an upcoming Tuesday call
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