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Project Meeting 2021.12.24

dhensle edited this page Dec 23, 2021 · 4 revisions


  • Vehicle type model update

    • Gathered additional data for use in estimation:
      • EPA published fuel efficiency for vehicles
      • Average vehicle cost
      • Number of charging stations (region wide parameter)
      • Much of the data could be maintained at a national level, sharing responsibility for updating among all of the members
    • Have started performing estimations, but not all the results are in yet
    • Still need to estimate a model that determines which vehicle gets used in the household (will use the NHTS data transformed into tours)
    • More work to understand the effect of costs: purchase price, incentives, depreciation, operating costs, etc.
    • Good to keep in mind that there are two different model options. Option 4 (predicting all dimensions of vehicle type) is being estimated currently, and then option 2 will drop all of the coefficients that no longer apply.
  • Proposal receipts and schedule

    • Proposals have been received
    • Agency partners are invited to participate in proposal evaluations
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