This repository hosts a complete Obsidian vault, together with plugins, configuration, etc. As some SpaceDot members are starting to experiment with using Obsidian for notetaking in the scope of the AcubeSAT project, this is an attempt to gather everything in a single, centralized knowledge base. Additionally, this repository contains all the necessary files for MkDocs integration, using GitLab CI. This allows for automatically building and deploying a website generated by the markdown notes, through GitLab Pages:
Click to expand
The repository hosts two different things: the Obsidian vault itself, and the configuration related to generating and deploying the webpage.
Check Guides/
The theme currently used is [colineckert/obsidian-things: An Obsidian theme inspired by the beautifully-designed app, Things.(, in Dark
Community plugins:
valentine195/obsidian-admonition: Adds admonition block-styled content to Obsidian
tgrosinger/advanced-tables-obsidian: Improved table navigation, formatting, and manipulation in Obsidian
GitHub - zolrath/obsidian-auto-link-title: Automatically fetch the titles of pasted links
hans/obsidian-citation-plugin: Obsidian plugin which integrates your academic reference manager with the Obsidian editor. Search your references from within Obsidian and automatically create and reference literature notes for papers and books.
oliveryh/obsidian-emoji-toolbar: Quickly search for and add emojis to your editor
zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin: A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
nothingislost/obsidian-hover-editor: Transform the Page Preview hover into a working editor instance
mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban: Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian.
denolehov/obsidian-git: Backup your Obsidian vault with git
ozntel/oz-image-in-editor-obsidian: This Obsidian plugin to view Images, Transclusions, iFrames and PDF Files within the Editor without a necessity to switch to Preview.
denolehov/obsidian-url-into-selection: Paste URLs into selected text "notion style"
deathau/sliding-panes-obsidian: Andy Matuschak Mode as a plugin
Built-in Markdown extensions:
- footnotes: Define, reference and render footnotes ([^1] Markdown-esque syntax)
- attr_list: Add HTML attributes and CSS classes to almost every Markdown inline- and block-level element
- pymdownx.highlight: Syntax highlighting and configuration
- pymdownx.superfences: Nested fences (``` Markdown blocks), custom fences (e.g. for rendering flowcharts), etc.
- pymdownx.details: Good-looking collapsible elements that hide their content leveraging the HTML
tags - pymdownx.magiclink: Auto-linking, shorthand links, mentions, GitHub/Lab shorthands, commits, diff/compare, etc.
- pymdownx.saneheaders: Only recognize as markdown headers text where the hashtag is separated with the text (i.e.
# is a header
,#is not a header
) - pymdownx.tasklist: Good-looking, customizable GFM-style task lists ([ ] stuff)
- pymdownx.emoji: Render emojis with the good ol'
colon sytax - admonition: Admonitions, aka call-outs, support. Syntax used differs than the one used from the respective Obsidian plugin, should look into this
- toc: Table Of Contents support
Community plugins: