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2.5.70 beta

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@ameshkov ameshkov released this 24 Mar 10:47
· 175 commits to master since this release

Disclaimer: Adguard for Android is not an open source project. We use github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.

This beta release of Adguard for Android is a real milestone. We finally add long-awaited HTTPS filtering! This is a 'bomb' of this beta release, but we have some less important fixes and changes as well.

New features

HTTPS filtering

Previously quite a bit of ads were missed by Adguard, specifically those that used HTTPS protocol to load - simply because Adguard couldn't filter HTTPS traffic.

How to enable HTTPS filtering

Now these days are over. To enable HTTPS filtering, simply go to Adguard settings -> HTTPS filtering. Put checkmark besides 'Install certificate' to install certificate, then enable 'Filter HTTPS connections' and you are good to go.


Unfortunately, such power doesn't come with no price; there are two minor drawbacks.

  1. You will need to set a password or a lockscreen pattern. This is a system requirement with no workarounds.
  2. You will get a 'Network may be monitored' notification after enabling HTTPS filtering and after each device reboot. This notification, however, can be swiped away.

Worth mentioning that if you have root access, you can evade these complications by manually adding to our certificate to System certificates storage. You can learn more about it in #334 (but please read all comments there).

Privacy and security

From the beginning, the main goal of HTTPS was to secure your data that you transfer via network. We take privacy and security issues very seriously, and that's why we spent a lot of time to make sure you will not lose HTTPS advantages while filtering HTTPS protocol.

  1. Your network traffic remains encrypted (because all the filtering happens inside your device).
  2. Adguard checks server certificates by itself, and with any hint of danger filtering of this connection will be ceased.
  3. Adguard is not affected by any SSL vulnerabilities which year 2015 was so rich of (it can be verified on SSL labs).
  4. By default Adguard doesn't filter connections with known bank domains and other websites with personal info.

Last but not least we would like to mention different modes we have for new feature. By default, all HTTPS connections to all domains will be filtered, except for domains from the whitelist. But for those who want more control and security, there is a mode in which Adguard will filter HTTPS connections to the domains from the blacklist only.

Blocking ads in Youtube app #314

We decided to mention this as a separate topic since it was one of, if not the most popular questions: why Adguard doesn't block ads in YouTube app? The answer was, because YouTube app uses HTTPS protocol to load ads, and Adguard wasn't able to filter HTTPS traffic. Now it can, and now these ads are blocked.

Languages and translations

[Added] Finnish language #293
[Added] Hungarian language #309
[Added] Chinese Traditional language #277

Compatibility issues

[Fixed] Fixed an issue with Telegram app #294
[Fixed] Fixed an issue with Yandex Navigator #278

Other changes

[Changed] Added RelayForReddit Pro to the list of browsers (you don't need premium to block ads in this app) #301
[Changed] Improved HTML content detection #348
[Fixed] AG code is injected into "noscript" tag #330
[Fixed] Error while parsing a style tag with embedded svg ( issue) #373
[Fixed] com.project.materialmessaging and are added to exclusions #302 #350
[Fixed] Issue with wrong stats calculated for apps listed in "". #252
[Fixed] Wrong Firewall traffic stats #338
[Fixed] Fixed a bug with filtering of the apps from exceptions list #252
[Fixed] Add to exclusions #327
[Fixed] An issue with blocking POST requests and "keep-alive" HTTP connections #332