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Releases: AdvancedThreatAnalytics/threat-analytics-search


31 Mar 19:17
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  • #94 - Improve how Groups are imported (and add unit test).
  • #154 & #169 - Add validation to "Groups" on Options page.
  • #155 - Add validation to "Add search provider" form on Options page.
  • #156 & #165 - Add validation to "Context Menu items" on Options page.
  • #157 - Add validation to "Configuration file" on Options page.
  • #158 - Add validation to "Queries" (from special providers) on Options page.
  • #174 & #177 - Show warning if Link/Query does not contains TESTSEARCH.
  • #183 - Clarify when Merge Settings Options are used.

Bugs fixed:

  • #132 - Fix outdated values in "settings.json".
  • #167 - Do not add empty titles in Context Menu.
  • #184 - Update special providers data when importing file.

Internal changes:

  • #87 - Implement encrypt function.
  • #89 - Add unit test for onAlarm listener.
  • #90 - Add Unit Tests for Search Result options.
  • #91 - Add E2E test for Example Link.
  • #92 - Add E2E test for change order of Search Providers.
  • #107 - Migrate Post Handler page from Mustache to Svelte.
  • #110 - Implement component for Options' footer.
  • #112 - Implement component for Options' header.
  • #113 - Implement component for Options' Import/Export section.
  • #114 - Implement component for "Configuration file" section.
  • #115 - Implement component for "Merge Settings" section.
  • #116 - Implement component for "Search results" section.
  • #117 - Refactor Settings tab into a component.
  • #120 - Update ESLint to parse Svelte files.
  • #126 - Integrate Environment files.
  • #136 - Implement components for 'special providers'
  • #137 - Refactor "shared" folder.
  • #138 - Implement component for "Add search providers" section.
  • #139 - Implement component for "Manage Context Menu Items" section.
  • #140 - Implement component for "Manage Groups" section.
  • #141 - Implement component for "Search providers" tab.
  • #142 - Implement "Options" page completely with Svelte.
  • #150 - Remove unnecessary code.
  • #179 - Fix E2E test for check search providers order.
  • #180 - Move puppeteer to dev dependency.
  • Dependabot - Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.4.
  • Dependabot - Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.5 to 1.14.8.
  • Dependabot - Bump nanoid from 3.1.22 to 3.2.0.
  • Dependabot - Bump node-sass from 6.0.1 to 7.0.0.
  • Dependabot - Bump urijs from 1.19.7 to 1.19.10.


10 Dec 16:15
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Fix bug on settings.json file that was provoking duplicated entries on Search providers.


18 Nov 16:46
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Undo changes from issue #7 to remove Mixpanel and don't track user activity


30 Aug 17:55
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New features:

  • #5 | Improve import/export/edit feature on Options page.
  • #6 | Add additional options for update settings on Options page.
  • #7 | Add Mixpanel and track clicks on menu items.
  • #77 | Add support for Microsoft Edge.


  • Store both timestamp and error message when refreshing the configuration.
  • Replace "About" tab with an external link.
  • #4 | Minor customizations on Bootstrap theme.
  • #11 | Add command to zip 'dist' folder.
  • #12 | Gray out disable groups instead of line-through.
  • #21 | Format response from POST requests.
  • #22 | Fix branding of Search Providers.
  • #47 | Add icons to all buttons in Options page.

Bugs fixed:

  • Update "Last config update" label after a failed refresh (on Options page).
  • Don't show success message if decryption failed.
  • #20 | Improve call for open Options page.
  • #81 | Open Welcome page only when installing.
  • #84 | Make zip content top-level.
  • #86 | When importing a "Search Options" all values should be overridden.

Internal changes:

  • Add Webpack to minify code.
  • #1 | Use Yarn to download dependencies and Webpack to bundle them.
  • #10 | Add Prettier (and fix ESLint warnings).
  • #14 | Move settings.json file back to root (was moved to 'src/' folder when adding webpack).
  • #15 | Replace "gibberish-aes" by "aes-js".
  • #17 | Refactor code from "utils.js" (and add ESLint).
  • #30 | Enable 'split chunks' on Webpack for prevent duplicated code.
  • #32 | Define URLs as constants.
  • #40 | Re-enable "no-undef" and "no-useless-escape" lint rules.
  • #54 | Allow to update URLs and Labels from Search Providers.
  • #58 | Add unit testing.
  • #59 | Add E2E testing.
  • #63 | Add unit tests for "ConfigFile.updateNow".
  • #64 | Add unit test for "ConfigFile.generateJSON" method.
  • #65 | Add E2E test for migration script.
  • #66 | Add unit tests for "ConfigFile.parseJSONFile" method.
  • #67 | Add unit tests for "ConfigFile.sanitizeSettings" method.
  • #68 | Add E2E test for POST handler.
  • #69 | Add unit tests for contextual menu creation.
  • #70 | Add unit tests for contextual menu clicks.

Fix bug on Groups menu items

10 May 19:13
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Fix bug preventing the correct functioning of Groups menu items

Remove unnecessary permission from Manifest file

10 May 13:36
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Remove the tabs permission from Manifest file since isn't really need

Minor updates and bug fixes

07 May 23:51
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This release


  • Issue #19 - Sanitize settings function


  • Branding for CRITICALSTART and some of the other third party vendors.

Release Checksum:
MD5 892bb186e5ea1de979cc7d1d0f58708b
SHA256 cd2f083a5c2fc1a9be1d228a37d793d53fc7c691ad5cfe862b20e5ad3364fc4a

First Rewrite of the previous version of the application

07 May 20:44
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  • Updated, modern UI using Bootstrap
  • Refactored for optimization and updated to supported libraries
  • Replace "About" tab with an external link.
  • Moved default configuration file from CriticalStart to this repository
  • Moved the repository from CriticalStart Github to this.

Release Checksum:
MD5 f35961dd13b7c87232c99a3a019777f9
SHA256 74e06415547590ee972d62e2bc0331303762dbb00026e3cff49441b622799398