Film frisker is an application for movie lovers to sort, store, and discover their favorite and soon-to-be favorite films and shows. IT'S an MERN Application. (MONGO EXPRESS REACT NODE).All the folder structure is in MVC.This application is fully responsive as well.
As User, able to see movies&TV-series on the TRENDING page. As User, able to see more DESCRIPTION about movies/Tv-series , when click on any CARD on the trending page and also see their TRAILOR on the YOUTUBE. As User, able to see only movies on MOVIES page, with FAVORITE Icon on the card so user can save the movies on the FAVORITE page. As a User, able to SEARCH the movies on the SEARCH page.Getting all the movie information by using the MOVIEDB-API.
User is presented with landing page with BOTTOM NAVOGATION LINKS and as TRENDING as a home page with trending movies and tv series . Cards are clickable with the help of REACT_MATERIAL_UI_MODAL to get more description on the trending movies and tv series with the respective trailor-links on the youtube. ALSO, user can save the movies by clicking on FAV_HEART_ICON on the movies page and can see the saved movies in the FAVORITE page. User can also do the search on the movies on the SEARCH page. On SEARCH page , if movie poster is unavailable , it is presented with the default image. All the favorites movies are stored in the database(MONGODB). STARTER-COMMAND
npm start
Use npm installer to install all packages and depenencies for Film Frisker.
npm install
--- material-ui-core--
---for the logo on trending page---
The Movie Database API
Material UI
Future versions to include genre sorting tv section click-to-view (on netflix, hulu, fandango, etc) more stuff
Nehreet Kaur, Afam Anekeh, Justin Bush
Elmer Hernandez, Gabriel Gonzales, Noe Rios