The AfricArXiv website is auto-translated by via a wp plugin from English into 19 languages spoken on the continent.
Currently we provide our content in the following languages:
Afrikaans | Arabic | Amarinth | Chichewa | English |
French | German | Hausa | Hindi | Igbo |
Malagasy | Portuguese | Sesotho | Somali | Sunda |
Swaheli | Xhosa | Yoruba | Zulu |
The translation is good but not perfect which is why…: We are looking for volunteers to help us improve the translated texts on our website. To get in involved in this community effort please email to
GTranslate guideline how to edit translations on the website:
- email us at and we will set up your collaborator account for you
- you will receive your username and password from us
- from here you can proceed accourding to as outlines below:
- to open the edit interface first go to the page you wish to edit (e.g. and select the language you want to modify (from the dropdown menu, e.g. Swahili, ChiChewa or French).
- add ?language_edit=1 at the ned of the url, e.g.
- This will open the edit interface where you can modify translations and save the changes.
Note: Anyone can open the edit interface, but only those with login/password provided by GTranslate can save changes.
On the edit interface you will see pencil icons near each text you can edit.
- Hover on the pencil icon to highlight the text it will edit
- click on it to open a popup window for you to make modifications.
- close the edit interface by clicking on the 'Close editinterface' button on the top left corner of your page.
Note: If you cannot see the modifications you have made after closing the edit interface, try CTRL+F5 (⌘+Shift+R for Mac) keys combination to refresh the page and clear the browser cache.
- Editing text on one page will change it site-wide.
- Purple pencil icon represents human edited text, while green pencil icon represents automatic translation.
- If the original text changes, the previous modification for that text will also be changed by automatic translation.
- click on the edit pencil icons on the top left corner of the edit interface to change page title, meta keywords and meta description.
For further information on edits and translations go to