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pycision (V 0.001)

What it does

pycision takes a bed file (PrecisionID_mtDNA_WG_targets.bed), 1 or more bam files and for each bam it:

  • infers which reads belong to which target interval in the bed
    • Reads with mapping quality < Q can be optionally excluded (option: -q Q)
  • trims the reads to the intervals in the bed file
    • trimming by default only retains reads that span an entire interval
    • can optionally keep reads that span at least 50% of an interval (-f option)
  • infers the N most-frequent haplotypes (option: -p N) for each interval
    • supports homopolymer compression (option: -c), where reads are first compressed before the haplotypes are estimated

Quick start

Here's an example:

python3 -q 4 -p 2 ./PrecisionID_mtDNA_WG_targets.bed 10_S17_L001.sorted.bam

This will use a minimum mapping quality of 4, and return the top 2 most frequent haplotypes for each amplicon in the above bam file. The bam file should be sorted and indexed prior to use.
A separate bam file will be made that has been trimmed to just the reads that span the entirety of the amplicons described in the bed file.

Code requirements

Pycision is written for Python (version 3.*) and it relies on the pysam library. The pysam module is avaiable here
I honestly have my doubts as to whether it can work on a windows system (perhaps though?), but on a typical unix system it should install relatively easily.
Also, a bed file (PrecisionID_mtDNA_WG_targets.bed) is required. This file gives the locations of the regions targetted (sans the primers, which are treated as an unknown). As per the paper, I would modify locus mt_31 to end at position 3106 instead of 3107 to better handle the N in the reference sequence.
The file: PrecisionID_mtDNA_WG_targets.modified.bed has the modified coordinate for locus mt_31 (3106), and I would recommend using this bed in future projects.
To get a description of how to use this program...


Parses bam files and extracts haplotypes






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