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BETA - mamba_dlp

Mamba_dlp is a tool for searching for sensitive data in cloud infrastructures.

Current features of Mamba_dlp:

  • Search for sensitive data: using customizable regex, mamba_dlp scans through data sources and reports any sensitive data. mamba_dlp can run full scans or can scan a single object
  • Search for sensitive data in: -S3 Buckets -Search for the following data types: -Credit Cards -Emails -Any custom regex -Output: -Json object -Dynamo table
$python3 code/ --run scan_object --bucket bucket --key cards_and_email.txt --aws_account ************
                           _                _ _       
                          | |              | | |      
 _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ ___ | |__   __ _   __| | |_ __  
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | / _` | | '_ \ 
| | | | | | (_| | | | | | | |_) | (_| || (_| | | |_) |
|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_| \__,_|_| .__/ 
                                    ______     | |    
                                   |______|    |_|    
Scanning: bucket:cards_and_email.txt
Action: bucket Tagged: 
 "TagSet": [
   "Key": "pci_sensitive_data",
   "Value": "true"
Action: bucket Tagged: 
 "TagSet": [
   "Key": "pci_sensitive_data",
   "Value": "true"
   "Key": "email_address",
   "Value": "true"
Sensitive Data Found:
  "data_found": [
      "data": [
      "data_type": "payment_card",
      "location": "1",
      "object_id": "***********:bucket:cards_and_email.txt",
      "object_type": "s3"
      "data": [
      "data_type": "email_address",
      "location": "2",
      "object_id": "***********:bucket:cards_and_email.txt",
      "object_type": "s3"

Before you begin

  • Configuration: If no configuration file was provided manually, mambda_dlp will check for the default configuration file "code/conf/mamba_dlp.conf".

    If the file does not exist you will be prompted with the option to create one. If you chose "Yes" a quick wizard will build one for you.

    Alternatively. you can manually create a new config file at anytime by using "--run configure"

     $python3 code/ --run configure
                                _                _ _       
                               | |              | | |      
      _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ ___ | |__   __ _   __| | |_ __  
     | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | / _` | | '_ \ 
     | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | |_) | (_| || (_| | | |_) |
     |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_| \__,_|_| .__/ 
                                         ______     | |    
                                        |______|    |_|    
     mamba_dlp configure:
     Building conf/mamba_dlp.conf:
     Enter aws_account ************
     Dynamo table name? sensitive_data
     Configuring Actions
     Enable tagging of resources upon detection of sensitive data? (true/false): true
     Data Type: "payment_card" : Enable tagging ? (true/false): true
     Data Type: "payment_card" : Enter tag_set Key: pci_sensitive_data
     Data Type: "payment_card" : Enter tag_set Value: true
     Data Type: "email_address" : Enable tagging ? (true/false): true
     Data Type: "email_address" : Enter tag_set Key: email_address
     Data Type: "email_address" : Enter tag_set Value: true
     conf_file generated:
       "global_conf": {
         "actions": [
             "tagging": [
                 "data_type": "payment_card",
                 "enabled": "true",
                 "tag_set": {
                   "Key": "pci_sensitive_data",
                   "Value": "true"
                 "data_type": "email_address",
                 "enabled": "true",
                 "tag_set": {
                   "Key": "email_address",
                   "Value": "true"
         "aws_accounts": [
         "aws_role": "",
         "dynamo_table": "sensitive_data"
     saved to: code/conf/mamba_dlp.conf
  • Realtime Deployment: --run deploy_realtime option will do three things: 1) Deploy mamba_dlp as a lambda function 2) Configure all buckets to call mamba_dlp upon file uploads to scan that file 3) Build Dynamo table

    To configure this option run the following:

     $python3 code/ --run deploy_realtime
     	                           _                _ _       
     	                          | |              | | |      
     	 _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ ___ | |__   __ _   __| | |_ __  
     	| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | / _` | | '_ \ 
     	| | | | | | (_| | | | | | | |_) | (_| || (_| | | |_) |
     	|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_| \__,_|_| .__/ 
     	                                    ______     | |    
     	                                   |______|    |_|     
     Enter bucket name to be used for Cloudformation template: bucket9999
     *** Running deployment script: deploy/
       adding: (deflated 70%)
       adding: (deflated 38%)
       adding: conf/ (stored 0%)
       adding: conf/mamba_dlp.conf (deflated 65%)
       adding: conf/mamba_dlp_policy.yaml.sample (deflated 61%)
       adding: conf/mamba_dlp_policy.yaml (deflated 61%)
       adding: conf/mamba_dlp.conf.samle (deflated 67%)
       adding: (deflated 70%)
       adding: (deflated 75%)
       adding: (deflated 71%)
       adding: (deflated 65%)
     upload: ./ to s3://bucket9999/     
     Waiting for changeset to be created..
     Waiting for stack create/update to complete
     Successfully created/updated stack - mamba-realtime-stack
     *** Configuring: arn:aws:s3:::bucket8888
     lambda_permission added!
     bucket_notification added!
     *** Configuring: arn:aws:s3:::bucket9999
     lambda_permission added!
     bucket_notification added!

Getting Started

  • Scan all files in all buckets:

     $python3 code/ --run full_scan
  • Scan a single file:

    To scan a single file provide the AWS account number, the bucket name and the key name:

      python3 code/ --run scan_object --bucket <bucket name> --key <key name> --aws_account <aws account name>

    Or manually construct the object json descriptor:

     python3 code/ --run scan_object --object \
     	"{\"objects\" : [{\"object_id\" : \"<AWS_ACCOUNT>:<BUCKET:KEY\",\
     	 \"object_type\" : \"s3\",\
     	 \"aws_account\": \"<AWS_ACCOUNT>\",\
     	 \"bucket\": \"<BUCKET>\", \"key\": \"<KEY>\" }]}"
  • Scan in real time: to configure mamba_dlp to scan files in as they are updated or uploaded to a bucket:

    • Clone this repo
    • Create a Dynamo table that has the following:
      • Primary partition key : object_id (String)
      • Primary sort key : location (Number)
    • configure code/conf/mamba_dlp.conf
    • Create a new role that has read access to all buckets. example: mamba_lambda_read_buckets
    • Create a Lambda role that allows mamba_dlp to assume "mamba_lambda_read_buckets"
    • Create
       $cd code
       $chmod +rw *
       $zip -r *
    • Create lambda "mamba_dlp()" in AWS account and upload
    • configure lambda handler to point to mamba_dlp.lambda_handler
    • Configure all buckets to invoke mamba_dlp() upon creating uploading or updating a new file