Front-end for an email client that makes API calls to send and receive emails on a single page.
Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, complete the implementation of your single-page-app email client inside of inbox.js.
The following features are available:
Send Mail: When a user submits the email composition form, JavaScript code will send the email.
Mailbox: When a user visits their Inbox, Sent mailbox, or Archive, load the appropriate mailbox.
View Email: When a user clicks on an email, the user should be taken to a view where they see the content of that email.
Archive and Unarchive: Allow users to archive and unarchive emails that they have received.
Reply: Allow users to reply to an email.
Clone repository
In the repository directory create a virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv <venv_name>
source <venv_name>/bin/activate
- Install packages from requirements.txt in the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
Inside app directory run:
python runserver