Hey there! I'm Ahmed Almijbari, a passionate neuroengineering graduate from the Elite MSc program at TU Munich. My journey has been marked by dedication, leading to the honour of receiving two scholarships and graduating with excellence from the Elite Network of Bavaria.
As a research assistant at Klinikum rechts der Isar and TU Munich, I've used fMRI data to explore the neural dynamics of the brain and find meaningful patterns in brain activity. I implemented and developed large-scale data science tools to analyse and understand brain images of 24 subjects containing 160M time series signals and 20+ GB of data.
You're just a click away! Drop me a line at ahmed.almijbari@tum.de or embark on a virtual journey through my website to know more.
- Neuroengineering, Biomedical Engineering and Computing
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science
- Data Analysis, Data Processing, Data Visualization
- Signal Processing, Image Processing, Numerical Methods
- Brain-computer Interface (BCI), Neuroprosthetics, Neuroimaging
- Biomedical AI, Computational Engineering, Scientific Computing
- Software Engineering
- Programming in Python and Matlab