└── 📁RSA
└── .gitignore
└── 📁Basic_RSA
└── FindMI.py
└── PrimeGenerator.py
└── RSAKeyUtil.py
└── RSA_decrypt.py
└── RSA_encrypt.py
└── RSA_keygen.py
└── 📁Efficient_RSA
└── FindMI.py
└── RSAKeyUtil.py
└── decrypt.py
└── encrypt.py
└── keygen.py
pip install rsa pycryptodome
cd Basic_RSA
python RSA_keygen.py [bits]
Replace [bits]
with the desired key length in bits. If you don't provide any value, it defaults to 2048 bits.
python RSA_encrypt.py [plaintext_file] [ciphertext_file]
Replace [plaintext_file]
with the path to the file containing the plaintext and [ciphertext_file]
with the path to the file where the ciphertext will be stored.
python RSA_decrypt.py [ciphertext_file] [plaintext_file]
Replace [ciphertext_file]
with the path to the file containing the ciphertext and [plaintext_file]
with the path to the file where the plaintext will be stored.
The usage is like Basic_RSA