Mathematics Functions Library Datapack
- 1.19.4
See Relases for 1.17 to 1.19.3.
- math: in に入力を設定します。
data modify storage math: in set value (INPUT/入力) - 関数を呼びます。
function #math:xxx - 結果が取得できます。
data get storage math: out
All functions are defined as function tags in the form of #math:xxx.
Therefore, you can overwrite the behavior from other datapacks without directly rewriting the files in this datapack.
When you want to override the behavior of #math:sin.
"replace": true,
"values": [
You can add a new line of any function you like to the help(#math:help).
If you want to add help for #math:your_function
"replace": false,
"values": [
tellraw @s {"text":"function #math:your_function","underlined": true,"clickEvent": {"action": "run_command","value": "/function your_datapack:your_function/help"}}
- sin
- cos
- tan
- sqrt
- random
- dice
- maze
- clock
- motion
- sort/ascend sort/descend
- randomize
- split_number
- float
- tick2time
- tick2time2
- length
入力(math: in) : 角度(int)
出力(math: out): sin(double)
data modify storage math: in set value 30
function #math:sin
data get storage math: out
-> 0.5d
入力(math: in) : 実数(double)
出力(math: out): 平方根(double)
data modify storage math: in set value 0.05
function #math:sqrt
data get storage math: out
-> 0.22360000000000002d
0 から 2147483647 までの乱数を生成します。
入力(math: in) : なし(-)
出力(math: out): 乱数(int)
function #math:random
data get storage math: out
-> 1195316795
入力(math: in) : N個のX面ダイス[N, X] / NdX ([int, int])
出力(math: out.dice): それぞれの出目[出目1, 出目2, ...] / Numbers of dice rolls ([int, int, ...])
出力(math: out.sum) : 合計値 / SUM (int)
data modify storage math: in set value [10,6]
function #math:dice
data get storage math: out
-> {dice: [4, 5, 1, 3, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 4], sum: 33}
入力(math: in) : N部屋xM部屋の迷路[N, M] / NxM-room maze ([int, int])
出力(math: out): 迷路 / Maze ([[■/□,...],...])
data modify storage math: in set value [4,3]
function #math:maze
data get storage math: out
-> [
["■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■"],
["■", "□", "□", "□", "□", "□", "□", "□", "■"],
["■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "□", "■", "■", "■"],
["■", "□", "□", "□", "□", "□", "■", "□", "■"],
["■", "□", "■", "■", "■", "□", "■", "□", "■"],
["■", "□", "□", "□", "■", "□", "□", "□", "■"],
["■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■", "■"]
入力(math: in) : tick(int) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): 時計データ => storage math: out:{day:日数(int),hour:時間(int),minute:分(int),second:秒(int),sent:センチ秒(int), total_hour:トータル時間(int),total_minute:トータル分(int),total_second:トータル秒(int),total_sent:トータルセンチ秒(int)}
data modify storage math: in set value 1234567
function #math:clock
data get storage math: out
-> {day: 0, hour: 17, minute: 8, second: 48, cent: 35, total_hour: 17, total_minute: 1028, total_second: 61728, total_cent: 6172835}
入力(math: in) : Rotation([float,float]) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): Motion([double,double,double]) => storage math: out
data modify storage math: in set value [-146.08746f, -14.09289f]
function #math:motion
data get storage math: out
-> [0.5410958528518677d, 0.24344515800476074d, -0.8049014210700989d]
入力(math: in) : 並べ替えるリスト([(byte/short/int/{weight:int},..]) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): 並べ替えたリスト([(byte/short/int/{weight:int},..]) => storage math: out
## For Integer List
## Any type of integer EXCEPT LONG is OK
data modify storage math: in set value [3,8,1,2,10,5,6,2,9,1,5,4,7]
function #math:sort/ascend
data get storage math: out
# => [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
function #math:sort/descend
data get storage math: out
# => [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]
## For Compound List
## Compound needs to have weight.
data modify storage math: in set value [{weight:3,value:"three"},{weight:8,value:"eight"},{weight:1,value:"one"},{weight:2,value:"two"},{weight:10,value:"ten"},{weight:5,value:"five"},{weight:6,value:"six"},{weight:2,value:"two"},{weight:9,value:"nine"},{weight:1,value:"one"},{weight:5,value:"five"},{weight:4,value:"four"},{weight:7,value:"seven"}]
function #math:sort/ascend
data get storage math: out
# => [{weight: 1, value: "one"}, {weight: 1, value: "one"}, {weight: 2, value: "two"}, {weight: 2, value: "two"}, {weight: 3, value: "three"}, {weight: 4, value: "four"}, {weight: 5, value: "five"}, {weight: 5, value: "five"}, {weight: 6, value: "six"}, {weight: 7, value: "seven"}, {weight: 8, value: "eight"}, {weight: 9, value: "nine"}, {weight: 10, value: "ten"}]
function #math:sort/descend
data get storage math: out
# => [{weight: 10, value: "ten"}, {weight: 9, value: "nine"}, {weight: 8, value: "eight"}, {weight: 7, value: "seven"}, {weight: 6, value: "six"}, {weight: 5, value: "five"}, {weight: 5, value: "five"}, {weight: 4, value: "four"}, {weight: 3, value: "three"}, {weight: 2, value: "two"}, {weight: 2, value: "two"}, {weight: 1, value: "one"}, {weight: 1, value: "one"}]
入力(math: in) : 並べ替えるリスト([...]) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): 並べ替えたリスト([...]) => storage math: out
## For Integer List
## Any type of integer EXCEPT LONG is OK
data modify storage math: in set value [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
function #math:randomize
data get storage math: out
# => [3, 5, 9, 6, 4, 8, 2, 1, 7, 10]
data modify storage math: in set value [{number:"A",suit:"♥"},{number:"A",suit:"♦"},{number:"A",suit:"♠"},{number:"A",suit:"♣"},{number:10,suit:"♥"},{number:10,suit:"♦"},{number:10,suit:"♠"},{number:10,suit:"♣"},{number:"J",suit:"♥"},{number:"J",suit:"♦"},{number:"J",suit:"♠"},{number:"J",suit:"♣"},{number:"Q",suit:"♥"},{number:"Q",suit:"♦"},{number:"Q",suit:"♠"},{number:"Q",suit:"♣"},{number:"K",suit:"♥"},{number:"K",suit:"♦"},{number:"K",suit:"♠"},{number:"K",suit:"♣"},{number:"Joker",suit:"Joker"}]
function #math:randomize
data get storage math: out
# => [{number: "Q", suit: "♣"}, {number: "K", suit: "♦"}, {number: "J", suit: "♠"}, {number: 10, suit: "♦"}, {number: "J", suit: "♦"}, {number: 10, suit: "♥"}, {number: "Q", suit: "♠"}, {number: "J", suit: "♥"}, {number: "K", suit: "♣"}, {number: "A", suit: "♠"}, {number: "J", suit: "♣"}, {number: "A", suit: "♦"}, {number: "A", suit: "♥"}, {number: "K", suit: "♠"}, {number: "K", suit: "♥"}, {number: 10, suit: "♠"}, {number: "Q", suit: "♥"}, {number: "Joker", suit: "Joker"}, {number: "Q", suit: "♦"}, {number: "A", suit: "♣"}, {number: 10, suit: "♣"}]
入力(math: in) : 整数(int) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): 各桁のリスト([int,..]) => storage math: out
data modify storage math: in set value 123456789
function #math:split_number
data get storage math: out
# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
data modify storage math: in set value -141421356
function #math:split_number
data get storage math: out
# => [-1, 4, 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6]
入力(math: in) : x(float),y(float/optional) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): add(x+y),sub(x-y),mul(x*y),div(x/y),inv(1/x),neg(-x)(float) => storage math: out
data modify storage math: in set value {x:3f,y:-4f}
function #math:split_number
data get storage math: out
# => {add: -0.9999999f, div: -0.75f, inv: 0.33333334f, neg: -3.0f, sub: 7.0f, mul: -12.0f}
入力(math: in) : tick(int) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): 時間データ([string,..]) => storage math: out
data modify storage math: in set value 123456789
function #math:tick2time
data get storage math: out
# => ["1714", ":", "40", ":", "39", ".", "45"]
入力(math: in) : tick(int) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): 時間データ([string,..]) => storage math: out
data modify storage math: in set value 123456789
function #math:tick2time2
data get storage math: out
# => ["1714", ":", "40", ":", "40"]
入力(math: in) : vector([float,...] or [double,...]) => storage math: in
出力(math: out): length(float) => storage math: out
data modify storage math: in set value [5f,4f,3f,2f,1f,0f]
function #math:length
data get storage math: out
# => 7.416206f
# = sqrt(5^2+4^2+3^2+2^2+1^2+0^2)
- math:length改良
These codes are released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.