Hello, I am a passionate software developer specialized in the C and C++ programming languages. I love creating efficient and scalable technological solutions to solve complex problems. I'm always looking for new challenges to keep improving my software developing skills, feel free to contact me if you have any question or interesting proposal!
Project name | Language / Technology | Brief description |
Cub3d | C / Makefile | A minimalistic game using basic computer graphics and ray-casting. |
Inception | Docker / nginx / wordpress / mariadb | A web page created on WordPress using a microservices architecture. |
ft_containers | C++ / Makefile | A recreation of some of the original containers featured on the STL, with concepts such as templates and SFINAE. |
Minishell | C / Makefile | First approach to creating a minimalistic shell, capable of managing multiple commands and instructions. |
philosophers | C / Makefile | Multi-thread managing program representing the problem of the dining philosophers. |
cpp_module | C++ / Makefile | My first approach to C++, a collection of small exercises in which I learned the bases of the language. |