In this complete HTML tags and concepts will be covered from scratch.
HTMl stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language".
It is used for creating Web pages.
It is used to describes the structure of a web page.
HTML uses certain elements which are used to tell the browser how and where to display the content.
It is very easy and simple to used.
Contains lot of formatting tag which is used to make effective presentation.
It provides a flexible way to design web pages along with the text.
It is platform-independent.
HTML is a case-insensitive language, which means we can use tags either in lower-case or upper-case.
Any Text editor can be used to write the code . Eg : Notepad, Notepad++ , sublime etc.
Any browsers like chrome, microsoft edge etc...
< ! "------" > is an HTML Comment tag. Thus anything within this comment tag will be treated as a comment and it is ignored when the HTML code is implemented in the browser.
An Element in HTML used to define and display the content in particualr place by using an start tag , content and end tag.
< tagname > - is used to denote the start tag where element functionality start .
Content goes here... - is used to make the content to be displayed.
< / tagname > - is used to denote the end tag where the functionality of the element is no more.
Write the HTML code using any text editor and save the file with the extension " .htm " or " .html " which is used to represent the file as a HTML file.
Then open that saved HTML file by double clicking on that file.
It will be opening the default browser and display the Output of the HTML code.
Note : By downloading the code from this " repository ( My turorial ) " . Simply double click on the downloaded HTML file to run the code and get the Output respectively.
NOTE : Follow this file pattern before moving directly to the code. Since this file will be the guiding in an order in which Leaner must learn HTML.
- Simple HTML = In this simple HTML has been created and its structure has been explained.
Heading tag = In this Heading tag in HTML has been explained.
Heading tag with style = In this heading tag with style attribute has been explained.
Paragraph tag = In this paragraph in HTML has been explained using "p" tag.
Line break tag = In this line break or new line has been explained using "br" tag.
Performatted text tag = In this performatted text has been explained using "per" tag.
Horizontal rule tag = In this Horizontal rule or line has been explained using "hr" tag.
background-color = In this background color for the webpage has been explained using background-color attribute.
background-color for elements = In this background color for each element / tag in the webpage has been explained.
color = In this change color of the text to be displayed in the webpage has been explained using color attribute.
font-family = In this change in font style in the webpage display has been explained using font-family attribute.
font-size = In this change in font size in the webpage display has been explained using font-size attribute.
text-align = In this change in the alignment of the text in the webpage display has been explained using text-align attribute.
bold = In this bold text display in a webpage has been explained using "b" tag.
strong = In this strong text display in a webpage has been explained using "strong" tag.
italic = In this italic text display in a webpage has been explained using "i" tag.
emphasized = In this emphasized text display in a webpage has been explained using "em" tag.
mark = In this marked text / highligthed text display in a webpage has been explained using "mark" tag.
small = In this small text display in a webpage has been explained using "small" tag.
delete = In this deleted text in a webpage has been explained using "del" tag.
insert = In this inserted text in a webpage has been explained using "ins" tag.
subscript = In this subscripted text display in a webpage has been explained using "sub" tag.
superscript = In this superscripted text display in a webpage has been explained using "sup" tag.
Abbreviation = In this Abbreviation text display in a webpage has been explained using "abbr" tag.
Address = In this Address display in a webpage has been explained using "address" tag.
Bi-Directional Override = In this Bi-Directional Override text display in a webpage has been explained using "bdo" tag.
blockquote = In this blockquote text display has been explained using "blockquote" tag.
cite = In this cite display in a webpage has been explained using "cite" tag.
quotation = In this quotated text display in a webpage has been explained.