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Basic to Advance hands on in REDIS.

An Intro to REDIS:

Redis is an open source program which is used to store the data models in the format of key-value.

Data-types used in REDIS:

  • SETS

The 3 main unique feature of Redis is:

  1. It holds the database in the memory by using the disk only for persistence.

  2. It contains highly rich data types when compared with many other key-value data store.

  3. It helps to replicate data to any number of slaves as possible.


  1. Fast = It is very fast in which it can perform above 1,10,000 SETs per/sec and above 81,000 GETs per/sec.

  2. Rich Data type = Support Data types like set, list, hashes, string and sorted set.

  3. Atomic = All operation in Redis are atomic, which ensures that if two clients concurrently access, Redis server will receive the updated value.

  4. Multi-utility tool = It is used in many number of cases such as caching, messaging-queues, web application etc,,,


Here is the link to direct download Redis on Windows system.

Direct Link =

COMPLETE INSTALLATION PROCESS = Here you can able to find the step by step installation and verfication of REDIS.


Since REDIS is command line based I have uploaded defination, syntax and sample output in the form of "PDF" file. So use this file for making proper use of this REDIS hands on.


  1. STRING = In this STRING datatype in REDIS has been explained.

  2. SET & GET = In this SET & GET command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  3. GETRANGE = In this GETRANGE command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  4. GETSET = In this GETSET command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  5. SETBIT & GETBIT = In this SETBIT & GETBIT command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  6. MGET = In this MGET command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  7. SETEX = In this SETEX command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  8. SETNX = In this SETNX command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  9. SETRANGE = In this SETRANGE command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  10. STRLEN = In this STRLEN command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  11. MSET = In this MSET command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  12. MSETNX = In this MSETNX command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  13. PSETEX = In this PSETEX command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  14. INCR = In this INCR command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  15. INCRBY = In this INCRBY command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  16. INCRBYFLOAT = In this INCRBYFLOAT command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  17. DECR = In this DECR command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  18. DECRBY = In this DECRBY command which is used to do string operation has been explained.

  19. APPEND = In this APPEND command which is used to do string operation has been explained.


  1. HASHES = In this HASH data-type in REDIS has been explained.

  2. HMSET & HGETALL = In this HMSET & HGETALL command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  3. HEXISTS = In this HEXISTS command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  4. HDEL = In this HDEL command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  5. HSET & HGET = In this HSET & HGET command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  6. HKEYS & HVALS = In this HKEYS & HVALS command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  7. HLEN = In this HLEN command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  8. HSETNX = In this HSETNX command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  9. HINCRBY = In this HINCRBY command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.

  10. HINCRBYFLOAT = In this HINCRBYFLOAT command which is used to do hash operation has been explained.


  1. LIST = In this LIST Data-type in REDIS has been explained.

  2. LPUSH & LRANGE = In this LPUSH & LRANGE command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  3. RPUSH & LRANGE = In this RPUSH & LRANGE command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  4. BLPOP = In this BLPOP command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  5. BRPOP = In this BRPOP command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  6. LINDEX = In this LINDEX command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  7. LINSERT = In this LINSERT command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  8. LLEN = In this LLEN command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  9. LPUSHX = In this LPUSHX command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  10. RPUSHX = In this RPUSHX command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  11. LREM = In this LREM command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  12. LSET = In this LSET command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  13. LTRIM = In this LTRIM command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  14. RPOP = In this RPOP command which is used to do list operation has been explained.

  15. RPOPLPUSH = In this RPOPLPUSH command which is used to do list operation has been explained.


  1. SETS = In this SET data-type has been explained.

  2. SADD & SMEMBERS = In this SADD & SMEMBERS command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  3. SCARD = In this SCARD command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  4. SDIFF & SDIFFSTORE = In this SDIFF & SDIFFSTORE command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  5. SINTER & SINTERSTORE = In this SINTER & SINTERSTORE command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  6. SUNION & SUNIONSTORE = In this SUNION & SUNIONSTORE command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  7. SISMEMBER = In this SISMEMBER command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  8. SMOVE = In this SMOVE command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  9. SRANDMEMBER = In this SRANDMEMBER command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  10. SREM = In this SREM command which is used to do set operation has been explained.

  11. SSCAN = In this SSCAN command which is used to do set operation has been explained.


  1. SORTED SET = In this SORTED SET data-type in redis has been explained.

  2. ZADD & ZRANGE = In this ZADD & ZRANGE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  3. ZCARD = In this ZCARD command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  4. ZCOUNT = In this ZCOUNT command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  5. ZRANGE WITHSCORES = In this ZRANGE WITHSCORES command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  6. ZLEXCOUNT = In this ZLEXCOUNT command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  7. ZRANGEBYLEX = In this ZRANGEBYLEX command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  8. ZRANGEBYSCORE = In this ZRANGEBYSCORE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  9. ZRANK = In this ZRANK command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  10. ZINCRBY = In this ZINCRBY command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  11. ZREM = In this ZREM command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  12. ZREMRANGEBYLEX = In this ZREMRANGEBYLEX command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  13. ZREMRANGEBYRANK = In this ZREMRANGEBYRANK command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  14. ZREMRANGEBYSCORE = In this ZREMRANGEBYSCORE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  15. ZREVRANGE = In this ZREVRANGE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  16. ZREVRANGEBYSCORE = In this ZREVRANGEBYSCORE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  17. ZREVRANK = In this ZREVRANK command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  18. ZSCORE = In this ZSCORE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  19. ZUNIONSTORE = In this ZUNIONSTORE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.

  20. ZINTERSTORE = In this ZINTERSTORE command which is used to do sorted set operation has been explained.


  1. HYPERLOGLOG = In this HYPERLOGLOG in REDIS has been explained.

  2. PFADD & PFCOUNT = In this PFADD & PFCOUNT command which is used to do HYPERLOGLOG operation has been explained.

  3. PFMERGE = In this PFMERGE command which is used to do HYPERLOGLOG operation has been explained.

  4. PUBLISH & SUBSCRIBE = In this PUBLISH & SUBSCRIBE in REDIS has been explained.


  1. TRANSACTION = In this TRANSACTION in REDIS has been explained.

  2. MULTI & EXEC = In this MULTI & EXEC command which is used to do TRANSACTION in REDIS has been explained.

  3. MULTI & DISCARD = In this MULTI & DISCARD command which is used to do TRANSACTION in REDIS has been explained.

  4. WATCH & UNWATCH = In this WATCH & UNWATCH command which is used to do TRANSACTION in REDIS has been explained.

  5. SCRIPTING = In this SCRIPTING in REDIS has been explained.

  6. EVAL = In this EVAL command which is used to do SCRIPTING in REDIS has been explained.

  7. SCRIPT LOAD = In this SCRIPT LOAD command which is used to do SCRIPTING in REDIS has been explained.

  8. SCRIPT EXISTS = In this SCRIPT EXISTS command which is used to do SCRIPTING in REDIS has been explained.

  9. SCRIPT FLUSH = In this SCRIPT FLUSH command which is used to do SCRIPTING in REDIS has been explained.


  1. = REDIS datatype STRING operations have implemented using python program.

  2. STRING.pdf = Source code and output has been attached.

  3. = REDIS datatype LIST operations have implemented using python program.

  4. LIST.pdf = Source code and output has been attached.

  5. = REDIS datatype HASH operations have implemented using python program.

  6. HASH.pdf = Source code and output has been attached.

  7. = REDIS datatype SET operations have implemented using python program.

  8. SET.pdf = Source code and output has been attached.


IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES OR SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE MAIL ME @ "". 8) SET.pdf = Source code and output has been attached.


Here you can able to get the hands on experience in REDIS.







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