# _ ____ _ _
# /\ | | | _ \ | | | |
# / \ _ _| |_ ___ | |_) |_ __ ___ __| | ___ __ _ ___| |_
# / /\ \| | | | __/ _ \| _ <| '__/ _ \ / _` |/ __/ _` / __| __|
# / ____ | |_| | || (_) | |_) | | | (_) | (_| | (_| (_| \__ | |_
# /_/ \_\__,_|\__\___/|____/|_| \___/ \__,_|\___\__,_|___/\__|
# made with ❤️ by Akari_my
internal: 120 # Example: every 120 seconds = 2 minutes a broadcast message is sent
prefix: "§8[§eAuto§cBroadcast§8] §8»§r"
- "§7Do you need support for the plugin? contact me on discord. @akari_my"
- "§7To always be updated on the plugin, always visit the github. https://github.com/Akari-my"
- "§7§7AutoBroadcast made with §c❤ §7by §eAkari_my"
no_permission: "§cYou do not have permission to use this command."
usage: "§cUsage: /broadcast <message>"
contact me on discord. @akari_my