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5 June 2022 | 29 June 2022 |
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S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Array |
Set Matrix Zeroes | ✔️ | |
2 | Array |
Pascal’s Triangler | ✔️ | |
3 | Array |
Next Permutation | ✔️ | |
4 | Array |
Kadane’s Algorithm | ✔️ | |
5 | Array |
Sort an array of 0’s 1’s 2’s | ✔️ | |
6 | Array |
Stock buy and Sell | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Array |
Rotate Matrix | ✔️ | |
2 | Array |
Pascal’s Triangler | ✔️ | |
3 | Array |
Merge two sorted Arrays without extra space | ✔️ | |
4 | Array |
Find the duplicate in an array of N+1 integers | ✔️ | |
5 | Array |
Repeat and Missing Number | ✔️ | |
6 | Array |
Inversion of Array (Pre-req: Merge Sort) | ✔️ |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Array |
Search in a 2d Matrix | ✔️ | |
2 | Array |
Pow(X,n) | ✔️ | |
3 | Array |
Majority Element (>N/2 times) | ✔️ | |
4 | Array |
Majority Element (>N/3 times) | ✔️ | |
5 | Array |
Grid Unique Paths | ✔️ | |
6 | Array |
Reverse Pairs | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Array |
2-Sum-Problem | ✔️ | |
2 | Array |
4-Sum-Problem | ✔️ | |
3 | Array |
Longest Consecutive Sequence | ✔️ | |
4 | Array |
Largest Subarray with 0 sum | ✔️ | |
5 | Array |
Count number of subarrays with given Xor K | ✔️ | |
6 | Array |
Longest Substring without repeat | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Linked List |
Reverse a LinkedList | ✔️ | |
2 | Linked List |
Find the middle of LinkedList | ✔️ | |
3 | Linked List |
Merge two sorted Linked List (use method used in mergeSort) | ✔️ | |
4 | Linked List |
Remove N-th node from back of LinkedList | ✔️ | |
5 | Linked List |
Add two numbers as LinkedList | ✔️ | |
6 | Linked List |
Delete a given Node when a node is given.(0(1) solution) | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Linked List |
Find intersection point of Y LinkedList | ✔️ | |
2 | Linked List |
Detect a cycle in Linked List | ✔️ | |
3 | Linked List |
Reverse a LinkedList in groups of size k | ✔️ | |
4 | Linked List |
Check if a LinkedList is palindrome or not | ✔️ | |
5 | Linked List |
Find the starting point of the Loop of LinkedList | ✔️ | |
6 | Linked List |
Flattening of a LinkedList | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Linked List and Arrays |
Rotate a LinkedList | ✔️ | |
2 | Linked List and Arrays |
Clone a Linked List with random and next pointer | ✔️ | |
3 | Linked List and Arrays |
3 sum | ✔️ | |
4 | Linked List and Arrays |
Trapping rainwater | ✔️ | |
5 | Linked List and Arrays |
Remove Duplicate from Sorted array | ✔️ | |
6 | Linked List and Arrays |
Max consecutive ones | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Greedy Algorithm |
N meetings in one room | ✔️ | |
2 | Greedy Algorithm |
Minimum number of platforms required for a railway | ✔️ | |
3 | Greedy Algorithm |
Job sequencing Problem | ✔️ | |
4 | Greedy Algorithm |
Fractional Knapsack Problem | ✔️ | |
5 | Greedy Algorithm |
Greedy algorithm to find minimum number of coins | ✔️ | |
6 | Greedy Algorithm |
Activity Selection (it is the same as N meeting in one room) | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Recursion |
Subset Sums | ✔️ | |
2 | Recursion |
Subset-II | ✔️ | |
3 | Recursion |
Combination sum-1 | ✔️ | |
4 | Recursion |
Combination sum-2 | ✔️ | |
5 | Recursion |
Palindrome Partitioning | ✔️ | |
6 | Recursion |
K-th permutation Sequence | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Recursion and Backtracking |
Print all permutations of a string/array | ✔️ | |
2 | Recursion and Backtracking |
N queens Problem | ✔️ | |
3 | Recursion and Backtracking |
Sudoku Solver | ✔️ | |
4 | Recursion and Backtracking |
M coloring Problem | ✔️ | |
5 | Recursion and Backtracking |
Rat in a Maze | ✔️ | |
6 | Recursion and Backtracking |
Word Break (print all ways) | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Binary Search |
The N-th root of an integer | ✔️ | |
2 | Binary Search |
Matrix Median | ✔️ | |
3 | Binary Search |
Find the element that appears once in a sorted array, and the rest element appears twice (Binary search) | ✔️ | |
4 | Binary Search |
Search element in a sorted and rotated array/ find pivot where it is rotated | ✔️ | |
5 | Binary Search |
Median of 2 sorted arrays | ✔️ | |
6 | Binary Search |
K-th element of two sorted arrays | ✔️ | |
7 | Binary Search |
Allocate Minimum Number of Pages | ✔️ | |
8 | Binary Search |
Aggressive Cows | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Heaps |
Max heap, Min Heap Implementation (Only for interviews) | ✔️ | |
2 | Heaps |
Kth Largest Element | ✔️ | |
3 | Heaps |
Maximum Sum Combination | ✔️ | |
4 | Heaps |
Find Median from Data Stream | ✔️ | |
5 | Heaps |
Merge K sorted arrays | ✔️ | |
6 | Heaps |
K most frequent elements | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Stack and Queue |
Implement Stack Using Arrays | ✔️ | |
2 | Stack and Queue |
Implement Queue Using Arrays | ✔️ | |
3 | Stack and Queue |
Implement Stack using Queue (using single queue) | ✔️ | |
4 | Stack and Queue |
Implement Queue using Stack (0(1) amortized method) | ✔️ | |
5 | Stack and Queue |
Check for balanced parentheses | ✔️ | |
6 | Stack and Queue |
Next Greater Element | ✔️ | |
7 | Stack and Queue |
Sort a Stack | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Stack and Queue |
Next Smaller Element | ✔️ | |
2 | Stack and Queue |
LRU cache (IMPORTANT) | ✔️ | |
3 | Stack and Queue |
LFU Cache | ✔️ | |
4 | Stack and Queue |
Largest rectangle in a histogram | ✔️ | |
5 | Stack and Queue |
Sliding Window maximum | ✔️ | |
6 | Stack and Queue |
Implement Min Stack | ✔️ | |
7 | Stack and Queue |
Rotten Orange (Using BFS) | ✔️ | |
8 | Stack and Queue |
Stock Span Problem | ✔️ | |
9 | Stack and Queue |
Find the maximum of minimums of every window size | ✔️ | |
10 | Stack and Queue |
The Celebrity Problem | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | String |
Reverse Words in a String | ✔️ | |
2 | String |
Longest Palindrome in a string | ✔️ | |
3 | String |
Roman Number to Integer and vice versa | ✔️ | |
4 | String |
Implement ATOI/STRSTR | ✔️ | |
5 | String |
Longest Common Prefix | ✔️ | |
6 | String |
Rabin Karp | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Binary Tree |
Inorder Traversal | ✔️ | |
2 | Binary Tree |
Preorder Traversal | ✔️ | |
3 | Binary Tree |
Postorder Traversal | ✔️ | |
4 | Binary Tree |
Morris Inorder Traversal | ✔️ | |
5 | Binary Tree |
Morris Preorder Traversal | ✔️ | |
6 | Binary Tree |
LeftView Of Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
7 | Binary Tree |
Bottom View of Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
8 | Binary Tree |
Top View of Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
9 | Binary Tree |
Preorder inorder postorder in a single traversal | ✔️ | |
10 | Binary Tree |
Vertical order traversal | ✔️ | |
11 | Binary Tree |
Root to node path in a Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
12 | Binary Tree |
Max width of a Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Binary Tree |
Level order Traversal / Level order traversal in spiral form | ✔️ | |
2 | Binary Tree |
Height of a Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
3 | Binary Tree |
Diameter of Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
4 | Binary Tree |
Check if the Binary tree is height-balanced or not | ✔️ | |
5 | Binary Tree |
LCA in Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
6 | Binary Tree |
Check if two trees are identical or not | ✔️ | |
7 | Binary Tree |
Zig Zag Traversal of Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
8 | Binary Tree |
Boundary Traversal of Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Binary Tree |
Maximum path sum | ✔️ | |
2 | Binary Tree |
Construct Binary Tree from inorder and preorder | ✔️ | |
3 | Binary Tree |
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder | ✔️ | |
4 | Binary Tree |
Symmetric Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
5 | Binary Tree |
Flatten Binary Tree to LinkedList | ✔️ | |
6 | Binary Tree |
Check if Binary Tree is the mirror of itself or not | ✔️ | |
7 | Binary Tree |
Check for Children Sum Property | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Binary Search Tree |
Floor in a BST | ✔️ | |
2 | Binary Search Tree |
Ceil in a BST | ✔️ | |
3 | Binary Search Tree |
Find K-th smallest element in BST | ✔️ | |
4 | Binary Search Tree |
Find K-th largest element in BST | ✔️ | |
5 | Binary Search Tree |
Find a pair with a given sum in BST | ✔️ | |
6 | Binary Search Tree |
BST iterator | ✔️ | |
7 | Binary Search Tree |
Size of the largest BST in a Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
8 | Binary Search Tree |
Serialize and deserialize Binary Tree | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Graph |
Clone a graph (Not that easy as it looks) | ✔️ | |
2 | Graph |
DFS | ✔️ | |
3 | Graph |
BFS | ✔️ | |
4 | Graph |
Detect A cycle in Undirected Graph using BFS | ✔️ | |
5 | Graph |
Detect A cycle in Undirected Graph using DFS | ✔️ | |
6 | Graph |
Detect A cycle in a Directed Graph using DFS | ✔️ | |
7 | Graph |
Detect A cycle in a Directed Graph using BFS | ✔️ | |
8 | Graph |
Topological Sort BFS | ✔️ | |
9 | Graph |
Topological Sort DFS | ✔️ | |
10 | Graph |
Number of islands(Do in Grid and Graph Both) | ✔️ | |
11 | Graph |
Bipartite Check using BFS | ✔️ | |
12 | Graph |
Bipartite Check using DFS | ❌ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Graph |
Strongly Connected Component(using KosaRaju’s algo) | ✔️ | |
2 | Graph |
Dijkstra’s Algorithm | ✔️ | |
3 | Graph |
Bellman-Ford Algo | ✔️ | |
4 | Graph |
Floyd Warshall Algorithm | ✔️ | |
5 | Graph |
MST using Prim’s Algo | ✔️ | |
6 | Graph |
MST using Kruskal’s Algo | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Dynamic Programming |
Max Product Subarray | ✔️ | |
2 | Dynamic Programming |
Longest Increasing Subsequence | ✔️ | |
3 | Dynamic Programming |
Longest Common Subsequence | ✔️ | |
4 | Dynamic Programming |
0-1 Knapsack | ✔️ | |
5 | Dynamic Programming |
Edit Distance | ✔️ | |
6 | Dynamic Programming |
Maximum sum increasing subsequence | ✔️ | |
7 | Dynamic Programming |
Matrix Chain Multiplication | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Dynamic Programming |
Minimum sum path in the matrix, (count paths and similar type do, also backtrack to find the Minimum path) | ✔️ | |
2 | Dynamic Programming |
Coin change | ✔️ | |
3 | Dynamic Programming |
Subset Sum | ✔️ | |
4 | Dynamic Programming |
Rod Cutting | ✔️ | |
5 | Dynamic Programming |
Egg Dropping | ✔️ | |
6 | Dynamic Programming |
Word Break | ✔️ | |
7 | Dynamic Programming |
Palindrome Partitioning (MCM Variation) | ✔️ | |
8 | Dynamic Programming |
Maximum profit in Job scheduling | ✔️ | |
S.No. | Topic: | Problems | Solutions | C++ | Video-Solution |
1 | Trie |
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | ✔️ | |
2 | Trie |
Implement Trie – 2 (Prefix Tree) | ✔️ | |
3 | Trie |
Longest String with All Prefixes | ✔️ | |
4 | Trie |
Number of Distinct Substrings in a String | ✔️ | |
5 | Trie |
Power Set (this is very important) | ✔️ | |
6 | Trie |
Maximum XOR of two numbers in an array | ✔️ | |
7 | Trie |
Maximum XOR With an Element From Array | ✔️ | |