A HighCharts component for Vue.js
npm install -S vue-highchart
You can simply import it and use it.
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueHighcharts from 'vue-highchart';
If you want use china-map, world-map or any other add-on, you should import them on.
import mapData from 'vue-highchart/map/china';
import worldData from 'vue-highchart/map/world';
use these components in the template.
<div class="index">
<v-chart :config="chartConf"></v-chart>
<v-map :config="mapConf"></v-map>
<v-map :config="worldConf"></v-map>
If you want to choose theme, you can use :theme.
<div class="index">
<v-chart :config="chartConf" :theme="theme"></v-chart>