Smart Blind Stick along with Arduino nano to help a person to detect the object from a distance.
The smart stick system for assisting blind people . Visually impaired people use stick to find difficulties in detecting obstacles and danger in front of them during walking and to identify the world around .
- Arduino nano .[ Here I am use version 2 of Arduino Nano ]
- Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
- Buzzer and LED .
- Push Button
- Voltage Regulator U1-7805
- 9V Battery.
- Stick.
- Other materials like : glue,tape etc........
Make sure the connections are done as per the circuit diagram and the program is succesfully uploaded .Now ,power both the circuit using a 9v battery and you should start to see results .Move the ultra sonic sensor closer to any object and you will notice the buzzer beeping . note:- this program is written in C language
I want the code in python language .