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Implementation of the Data Structure and ALgorithms

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Implementation of Data structures And ALgorithms.

HashSet - to store only Keys

Syntax - Set<String> h  = new HashSet<>(); // only non primitive data types Integer, String, Character,...
Use -  to preform search,insert, delete or subset of search,insert,delete on collection of items - use HashSet.
1. add()
2. set1.addALL(set2) -   union if two sets
3. set1.retainALl(set2) -  intersection of two sets
4. set1.containsAll(set2) - boolean type - if set2 is subset of set1
5. size()
6. remove()
7. contains() 
8. clear()
9. isEmpty()
10.traversal in set -1  - using iterators
	System.out.print( " ")

traversal in set - 2 - using for loop
for( String s :  h)
	System.out.print(s+ " ");

HashMap - to store key-value pair

Syntax  - HashMap<K, V> m  = new HashMap<>();  // K for Key , V for Value
Functions in HashMap
1. put(K,V)
2. putAll()
3. putIfAbsent()
4. get(K)
5. containsValue(V) - containsKey(K)
6. replace(K,v)  - replace(K,Old_V,New_V)
7. remove(K) - remove(K,V)
8. keySet() -  values()   - entrySet()
9. traversal in map 
for( Map.Entry<String, Integer> e :  m.entrySet())
	System.out.println(e.getKey() +  " " +  e.getValue());
10. map.put(a[i],m.getOrDefault(a[i],0)+1);
11. Sort map by key or value in desc order and then accessing it
List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> list = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());          // basically providing index to each entry set.
    list.sort(Map.Entry.comparingByValue((a, b) -> b - a));	 //using sort. list to get inside map using map.entry to access value and then comparator call(a,b)->b-a; a-b for asc order
for(int i=0; i<k ;i++)
        res[i] = list.get(i).getKey();   // list.get(i) is actually an entry set - to get a key from it we use getKey and getValue
    // System.out.println(list);  // [1=3,2=2,3=1] // sort by value in desc order


NaiveM1 - TC:O(n^2) , ASC:O(1)
1. run two nested loops i, j : i from [0,n) - j from [0,i)
2. for each i, if arr[i] is not found again in range[0,i) - break jth loop and increment count for vice versa. 
3. return the count
EffecientM2 -  TC:O(n) , ASC:O(n)
1. Put all elements in HashSet and print the size.


String s1 ="Akshay"  - by literals -  just creates in string pool area
String s2 = "Akshay"
String s2 = new String("Akshay")  - by new object -  creates in both String pool and heap area
Functions :
1. s1.length()
2. s1.charAt(index)
3  s1.substring(k) - prints from [k,last]
4. s1.substring(int beginIndex, Int lastIndex) -  prints from [beginIndex,lastIndex)
5. s1.contains(s2) - boolean - if s2 is substring of s1
6. s1==s2 -  references are compared not the content  - true	
Eg . s1==s2 true - > s1==s3 - false;
6. s1.equals(s2) - comapre the content use equalsTo() or compare() - true
Eg . s1.equls(s2) - true - > s1.equals(s3) - true;
7. res = s1.compareTo(s2)  - if s1 lexographically greater then s2 , returns greater value else smaller value. If same returns 0.
Eg: a<b<c<d<e<.....lexographical order. Eg s1="geeks" , s2 ="for" returns +ve value;
8. s1.indexOf(s2,k)  - returns the 1st index of 1st kth occurence of s2 in s1
Eg. s1="richdadpoordad" , s2="dad" -> s1.indexOf(s2,2) -> 11.

string.valueOf() -  method converts different types of values into string.
char c='1'; int num =Character.getNumericValue(c);  - output :1

VVImp: convert array of char[] to String : String str = String.valueOf(char)
       Convert String(str) into  array of Charcters = char str[] = S.toCharArray();
VVVV IMP : never use String res=""; res+='somecharacter'  - internal takes O(n)	  
instead make a array of char and return as String;  1. char ans[] = new char[n];   // feed the input// return new String(ans);

String represents fixed-length, immutable character sequences while StringBuffer represents growable and writable character sequences. It can  have characters 	and 		substrings inserted in the middle or appended to the end.
VVImp: convert array of integers into  String
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
    String str="";
    for( i =1;i <n ; i++)
return  s.toString();

Queue -

Interface implemented by following classes - LinkedList and ArrayDeque(one of the way is using circular Array)
1. enqueue()
2. dequeue()
3. size()
4. getFront()
5. getRear()
6. isFull()
7. isEmpty()
Functions that returns null v/s throws exception
8. peek()	-	element()
9. offer()	- 	add()
10. poll()	- 	remove()

Array Deque:

Time complexity if each operation is O(1) - beacause using Circular Array implementation - Amortized(on Average) 
It is a Queue specific class and do not have list functions
It is faster then LL as Array implementation is used. - Cache friendly.
Use AD as Stack : AD is faster then Standard Stack Class - because stack uses vector which is threadsafe and issue of overhead occurs.
Use AD as Queue : Queue used LL implementation where AD uses array implementation (faster)
Use AD as Deque : Deque implementaion - LL and AD(preferred and faster)
Methods : 
Throws exception	v/s	return false/null
addFirst()		-	offerFirst()
addLast()		-	offerLast()
removeFirst()		-	pollFirst()
removeLast()		-	pollLast()
getFirst()		-	peekFirst()
getLast()		-	peekLast()

Redundant functions - AD implements(imp) deque interface imp Queue interface imp Collections , and provides main finctionalities of Stack class.
Queue: it is a interface - insert at rear, delete from front - FIFO
add()  same as addLast()		-	offer() same as offerLast()
remove() same as removeFirst()		- 	poll()  same as pollFirst()
element() same asgetFirst		-	peek()  same as peekFirst()

Stack : LIFO - it is not an interface- its a legacy class inherits vectors.
push() same as addFirst()
pop() same as removeFirst()
peek() same as peekFirst()
 Traversing in a Deque
a. Using iteretors; from first to last
	Iterator it = d.iterator();
	println(" ");

	from last to first - Iterator it = d.descendingIterator();
b. using for loop - first to last
	for( int x:d ) println(x+" ");


AVL Tree
A self-balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) where the difference between heights of left and right subtrees cannot be more than one for all nodes.

Red Black Tree
This is a self-balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) where every node follows the following rules:
1. Every node has a color either red or black.
2. The root of tree is always black.
3. There are no two adjacent red nodes (A red node cannot have a red parent or red child).
4.  Every path from a node (including root) to any of its descendant NULL node has the same number of black nodes.


minheap - PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
maxheap - PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
* In case we have to our own data type say Tripley(x,y,sum) and requiremen is to sort based in sum parameter in max heap
PriorityQueue<Triplet> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a,b) -> b.sum - a.sum);


Implementation of the Data Structure and ALgorithms






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