I'm Akshaya Annadurai and I like to code.
It all started with { console.log("Hello World") } and I've never looked back ever since.
I have always wished to do something where I could feed my passion for both Creation and Logic. Just before I almost had an existential crisis in search of the Mr.Perfect_Career, I landed on Software Development which had just the right amount of Creativity and Logic. Also, 'Debugging' , the right amount of paranoia 🙃. Creating stuff using technology that solves a real-world problem. Honestly, could it get any better😍. Fast forward, and I am a Full-Stack web developer now 👩💻 exploring and trying to learn something new every day about the world of "Hello World".
Also, when I am not coding, I enjoy literature, music, travelling(especially to places with good food), volunteering and everything that gives me an adrenaline rush.
🌱 I’m currently learning MERN stack
📫 How to reach me: akshaysrij@gmail.com
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects,Tech Articles
💬 Talk to me about Javascript , Reactjs , Algorithms